Council welcomes next step to safe bridge crossing
- Details
- Written by: Adam Gatt Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

Thursday, 12 May 2016
A safe crossing for walkers and cyclists across the Nepean River is a step closer after the tender to build the Nepean River Bridge was awarded today.
Penrith Mayor Karen McKeown said the community had pushed for a number of years for a safer path across the Nepean and had been eagerly awaiting news of when construction would start.
"Council worked hard on behalf of the community to highlight the issue which was acknowledged in 2011 when the State Government agreed to deliver an iconic bridge for pedestrians and cyclists," Councillor McKeown said.
"Extensive consultation with Council, the community and the rowing fraternity resulted in a unique bridge that will preserve the rowing course on the River and maintain privacy for neighbouring residents which we know were important issues.
"Many residents and visitors use both sides of the river every day. The river and its banks are vital to our lifestyle and identity and the Nepean River Bridge fits perfectly with Council's vision to make the most of the river and its surrounds.
"Working with the community, we developed Our River Masterplan which sets out a bold vision for an accessible playground, water's edge amphitheatre, terracing, cafes, public art, new paths and recreational facilities at Regatta Park, near the bridge landing point, to complement and enhance existing community events, the regional gallery and open spaces.
"The new bridge will be an attractor for tourism and jobs by drawing more people to this already popular area. The landing space and the adjoining area has enormous potential as a community gathering space where we can celebrate the river's beauty and people can come to relax, be entertained and be active.
"The Nepean River Bridge will also be the missing link to our existing cycleway path network to link the western part of the city to the Penrith City Centre and railway."
Information contained within this news release was correct as at Thursday, 12 May 2016.