Council’s plan to make Penrith the Adventure Capital
- Details
- Written by: Adam Gatt Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

Thursday, 3 September 2015
“Penrith has 1.3 million annual visitors injecting $231 million into the local economy every year. Our goal is to double this figure by 2025."
Penrith Mayor Councillor Ross Fowler OAM said: "To achieve this we need a coordinated approach and access to government funding."
A plan has been developed, in consultation with a range of local stakeholders, to achieve Council's target of doubling the number of visitors to the City in ten years.
Members of the local community, businesses and tourism operators collaborated with Council to produce Growing Tourism in Penrith 2015. This document is an excerpt of the larger Destination Management Plan (DMP) which was commissioned earlier this year.
The DMP combines the interests, skills and knowledge of all stakeholders to provide a clear and agreed strategic direction for the development, management and marketing of Penrith as a tourism destination.
Cr Fowler said a well-developed DMP can determine the success of a destination and is also a key requirement for accessing future investment from State and Federal Government.
"Having a DMP for Penrith assures both levels of government that any funds or grants allocated to us are being used appropriately on projects that are well researched and for which there is an agreed need."
The DMP identifies significant opportunities for Penrith to grow the visitor economy. These opportunities are outlined in supporting infrastructure, marketing and investment and development categories.
"A number of opportunities identified in the DMP are already being implemented by Council including activating the Nepean River, revitalising the Penrith CBD and creating a dynamic tourism website and awareness campaign," Cr Fowler said.
"Many other opportunities we're working towards, so it's reassuring to know we're on the right track. With the DMP to guide us in the future; Penrith will become more than just a place, it will be a destination."
See the new Visit Penrith website.
Information contained within this news release was correct as at Thursday, 3 September 2015.