Council’s partnership with WSU Solar Car looks bright
- Details
- Written by: Adam Gatt Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

Thursday, 20 September 2018
Local engineering, innovation and problem solving all combined for Western Sydney University’s Solar Team win at the 2018 American Solar Challenge where they held off a field of leading universities to win the 1762.7 mile (2836.7 km) race in August.
Local engineering, innovation and problem solving all combined for Western Sydney University's Solar Team win at the 2018 American Solar Challenge where they held off a field of leading universities to win the 1762.7 mile (2836.7 km) race in August.
The advanced engineering capabilities of the University and its innovation in sustainability with the solar car has showcased Penrith and Western Sydney as the region further strengthens is credentials in STEM fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths.
Penrith City Council and Western Sydney University share the same vision and aspirations for Penrith with the airport being a catalyst for growth in engineering, health, defence and science.
Penrith Mayor John Thain said Penrith is a leader in sustainability practices and education with the partnership contributing to the development and rise of advanced engineering, sustainability and renewable energy.
"What the students have achieved is really astounding," Cr Thain said.
"They showcased Western Sydney's ingenuity and talent, competing - and holding their own - against world-class universities and car manufacturers.
"And as part of their work, they've built a research facility for emerging design and manufacturing technologies such as 3D metal printing right here in Kingswood."
Provost for Kingswood Campus, Professor Kevin Dunn, welcomed the delegation from Council at the commencement of the tour.
"The university recognises the importance of local council in encouraging industry and community engagement with Kingswood campus," Professor Dunn said.
"Our Advanced Manufacturing Facility and the Solar Car Project are consistent with the 'Penrith Talks: Innovation Series' and other council activities promoting a culture of STEM and innovation.
"We are grateful for the renewal of support for the Solar Car and look forward to working with Council on this and other projects."
In congratulating WSU on their solar car achievements and their leading education programs in the STEM field, Penrith Council will again be a Silver Sponsor of the solar car team as they develop and refine their cutting edge technology for next year's World Solar Challenge, from Darwin to Adelaide.
"It's a real pleasure to be able to say as a major sponsor and through our partnership with Western Sydney University, we've been a part of the team's achievements," Cr Thain said.
"Penrith Council is excited to continue its involvement as we further enhance our standing for innovation. We're also looking forward to working with them to engage local schools and the community with sustainability and areas of STEM".
You can follow the Western Sydney Solar Car Team as they design and build a brand new car on their Facebook page
Photo caption: Penrith Mayor John Thain visited Advanced Manufacturing Facility and Solar Car Project at Western Sydney University after their victory in the 2018 American Solar Challenge.
Information contained within this news release was correct as at Thursday, 20 September 2018.