Council receives Green Grid Grant
- Details
- Written by: Philippa Borland Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

Tuesday, 18 February 2020
Penrith Mayor, Ross Fowler OAM today announced that Council has received a $400,000 grant to develop a Green Grid Strategy for Penrith.
“We are delighted to have secured this funding which will enable Council to develop a strategic plan for Penrith that details a proposed network of high-quality green spaces across our City,” said Cr Fowler.
“The Green Grid strategy will develop a framework to support active transport opportunities and connect vibrant community open spaces, water ways, bushland, schools, public transport and town centres - to help make these more accessible for everyone,” he added.
Speaking at Penrith City Council’s Cooling the City Masterclass event, Cr Fowler said that Council had received the grant under the NSW Government’s Metropolitan Greenspace Program, which is administered by the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment.
As the sometimes ‘hottest place on the planet’ during summer, Penrith knows first-hand the complexity of challenges when it comes to urban heat.
“It’s exactly why Council decided to run this Masterclass event, to bring key stakeholders and leading professionals together, to explore solutions to Sydney’s urban heat dilemma,” explained Cr Fowler.
Penrith City Council General Manager, Warwick Winn, said that the development of the Green Grid strategy is another key step in tackling urban heat, because it will create principles that can be applied to other areas that are undergoing growth and development to maximise green cover.
“The Green Grid strategy will outline how to increase canopy and retrofit solutions to older suburban areas, as well as those undergoing urban renewal. It will help us enhance natural areas and boost outcomes for local residents and importantly, create a roadmap for Council for our future actions,” explained Mr Winn.
“It will also provide opportunities to work with other councils in Western Sydney, who are similarly challenged by urban heat,” he added.
The Penrith Green Grid Strategy is anticipated to be complete by June 2021. It will also build on existing strategic work already undertaken by Council. This includes strategies for Cooling the City, Sport & Recreation, Accessible Trails and Street & Park Tree Management.
Information contained within this news release was correct as at Tuesday, 18 February 2020.