Council launches plan to ensure best airport outcomes
- Details
- Written by: Adam Gatt Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

Tuesday, 29 September 2015
Making sure the community’s voice is heard and that Penrith receives the maximum benefits from the new airport is the aim of an ambitious campaign by Council.
"We recognise there are huge opportunities for Western Sydney and indeed, Penrith's residents as a result of the airport construction and operation," Penrith Mayor Karen McKeown said.
"Western Sydney is Australia's fourth largest economic region and we agree, deserves its own airport. However it is the broader opportunities that flow from an airport that can really transform Penrith.
"We argued that the airport needs to be supported by transport infrastructure and add jobs in western Sydney. Already $3.6 billion has been directed to roads that will serve this city. Now we are advocating for passenger rail to run from the airport to the Western Line and for that to be surrounded by innovative developments that are dense with jobs."
In April 2014 the Federal Government ended decades of uncertainty by announcing Badgerys Creek as the site of Sydney's second airport. Since this decision, Council has heard from a number of experts in the aviation industry as well as technical and environmental experts.
"The tide has shifted since 1996 when local residents were strongly opposed to the airport and the best opportunity to get benefits for our residents is by being at the table when decisions are being made," Cr McKeown said.
Council will advocate under these key themes:
A seat at the table
The ability to influence the planning of the airport and surrounding areas on behalf of our communities.
Connections - roads and trains
Vital transport connections and supporting infrastructure - both road and rail - must be in place before the opening of the airport. It is imperative that the corridor for the extension of the South West Rail line to the Western Line is reserved prior to the final approval being given to the airport.
Looking after our health & environment
Environmental and social impacts addressed in the EIS and managed in any approvals to ensure the health and wellbeing of our community is maintained.
Hear us on noise
The noise impacts on our community must be minimised. The Sydney Airport Curfew Act 1995 to be amended to become the Sydney Airports Curfew Act and apply to both Sydney and the future airport.
Show us the jobs & build our economy
The airport should be the catalyst to create the number and type of jobs our community wants and drive economic development in Western Sydney.
Knowledge + skills = Opportunities
Centres for learning, education and research should be established in Western Sydney to equip our community with the skills they need to aim high and succeed in jobs of the future.
An airport of the 21st Century
We see Western Sydney Airport as an iconic site that delivers world's best practice in access, employment and technology.
Download a copy of Council's Western Sydney Airport - Maximising benefits and minimising impacts document.
Information contained within this news release was correct as at Tuesday, 29 September 2015.