Council awarded for environmental excellence
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- Written by: Adam Gatt Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

Monday, 29 October 2018
Mountain View Reserve at Cranebrook has been recognised for environmental excellence at the 2018 Stormwater NSW Awards and the Keep Australia Beautiful NSW 2018 Sustainable Cities Awards.
Mountain View Reserve at Cranebrook has been recognised twice for environmental excellence by winning the Integrated Stormwater Design Category at the 2018 Stormwater NSW Awards and then taking out the Coastal and Waterways Protection Category at the Keep Australia Beautiful NSW 2018 Sustainable Cities Awards.
Penrith Mayor Ross Fowler OAM said the dual awards for the project showed Council's commitment to the environment and sound sustainability practices.
"It is wonderful that the Mountain View project has won these awards, however that is not the sole aim when we embark on these projects," Cr Fowler said.
"The initial focus of this project was on stormwater treatment because the site is immediately upstream of the Penrith Lakes system, as well as to improve the condition of a regionally significant natural wetland.
"As a result of the works over the last four years this project has significantly improved the quality of water flowing into Penrith Lakes and ultimately the Nepean River, and restored the natural wetland through revegetation," Cr Fowler said.
The project has resulted in complimentary works at the reserve including restoration of the adjacent Cumberland Plain Woodland as well as walking paths, a viewing platform, a bird hide and informative signs and sculptures.
Stormwater runoff from the surrounding urban area is treated through a swale, a raingarden and a constructed wetland, and the natural wetland on site is now more resilient and home to many more birds, reptiles and frogs. Sugar gliders have also been found in the bushland on the site.
"The presence of these animals demonstrates the great work that has been undertaken across the whole reserve to help restore its natural areas in what is a great outcome for our City."
Information contained within this news release was correct as at Monday, 29 October 2018.