Contract announced for Erskine Park Road upgrade
- Details
- Written by: Adam Gatt Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

Thursday, 25 October 2018
The Australian Government is funding a $200 million Local Roads Package as part of the Western Sydney Infrastructure Plan, with funding allocated for Council to upgrade four intersections along Erskine Park Road.
The Australian Government is funding a $200 million Local Roads Package (LRP) as part of the Western Sydney Infrastructure Plan (WSIP) with funding allocated for Council to upgrade four intersections along Erskine Park Road to improve road safety and traffic flow efficiency.
Burton Contractors Pty Ltd have been selected from a competitive tender process to carry out the works which will commence in November 2018 and is scheduled for completion by December 2019.
Penrith Mayor Ross Fowler OAM thanked the Federal and State Governments saying the upgrade provides for a safer corridor to Western Sydney's growing employment and residential areas.
"Erskine Park Road is a vital corridor servicing the growth in the Western Sydney Employment Area," Cr Fowler said.
"These works will deliver increased capacity for the road enabling it to be a much safer and less congested route for residents and business."
The upgrade works to Erskine Park Road will deliver:
- New Traffic signals installed at Explorers Way and Erskine Park Road intersection.
- New Traffic signals installed at Bennett Road and Erskine Park Road intersection.
- Upgrade Coonawarra Drive and Erskine Park Road to a 'seagull' intersection.
- Upgrade Peppertree Drive and Erskine Park Road to a 'seagull' intersection.
- Upgrade Erskine Park Road to median separated dual carriageway (two lanes in each direction) between Coonawarra Drive and Bennett Road.
- A new shared user path between Coonawarra Drive and Illawarra Drive.
Other WSIP projects in the area include the upgrade of The Northern Road Intersections at Derby St and the Great Western Highway, as well as a previously constructed roundabout at Bringelly Road and Caddens Road intersection in Kingswood.
Information contained within this news release was correct as at Thursday, 25 October 2018.