Community Panel ushers in exciting new direction
- Details
- Written by: Adam Gatt Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

Tuesday, 28 July 2015
Council is undertaking an exciting and innovative new direction in deliberative democracy with the formation of a Community Panel comprising everyday people to help shape the City’s future.
Penrith Mayor Ross Fowler OAM said the City has an exciting future.
"There are game changer advances happening in our City that bring plenty of new and exciting opportunities but also some challenges. Now is the time for Council to move in a new and exciting direction too," Councillor Fowler said.
"We want the Council and community to work even closer together so that Council's work reflects what the community needs as we move into our bold shared future."
About 35 people from all walks of life will form the Panel.
"These people are your neighbours. They have jobs, leisure pursuits and families similar to the rest of us and they are being given the opportunity to comment and make recommendations on Council's services and assets," Councillor Fowler said.
"We will arm them with detailed information on the opportunities and challenges Council faces as well as detailed information on our finances and resources.
"The Panel will recommend ways to improve the work we do to put us in the best position for the Council and community to move into our shared bold future. These recommendations will be presented to Councillors for consideration."
To keep the process independent of Council the Community Panel selection, engagement and workshops will be undertaken by the newDemocracy Foundation, a not-for-profit research group, who focus on best practice citizen engagement and democratic innovations.
The Community Panel will meet six times from September to December.
Throughout the process Council will keep the broader community updated as to what is happening with information at Community groups and other individuals can also provide comment here.
Information contained within this news release was correct as at Tuesday, 28 July 2015.