Capture Kingswood
- Details
- Written by: Adam Gatt Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

Thursday, 15 February 2018
Live, work or study in Kingswood? You’re invited to capture and share the people, places and things that matter to you in your neighbourhood.
Live, work or study in Kingswood? You're invited to capture and share the people, places and things that matter to you in your neighbourhood.
Capture Kingswood is the latest initiative of Council's innovative Neighbourhood Renewal team. It's a creative project that asks people who live, work or study in Kingswood to share their photos, stories, poems and artworks to capture the heart of Kingswood and tell its unique story.
Penrith Mayor Cr John Thain said projects like this give people pride in their neighbourhood.
"Capture Kingswood gives people a chance to share why they love their home, and bring renewed vitality and enthusiasm to the community," Cr Thain said.
"Penrith has a number of older, more established suburbs that form the heart and soul of our City.
"Neighbourhoods like Kingswood have been around for as long as Penrith has existed and it's so nice to see people talking about the unique and special stories it has," he continued.
Kingswood locals can get involved by uploading their stories and images online or coming along to a number of pop up events that will be held around Kingswood.
The first pop up event will be held on Monday 19 February (Chapman Gardens 3.30-5.30pm), and the official Capture Kingswood launch, will be held on Thursday 22 February from 5.30-7.30pm at Wainwright Park on Bringelly Road.
For all the pop up event details, and to upload your Kingswood story, go to Capture Kingswood on the Your Say Penrithwebsite.
Information contained within this news release was correct as at Thursday, 15 February 2018.