Boronia Park ready
- Details
- Written by: Adam Gatt Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

Thursday, 21 April 2016
Council has finished reconstruction and irrigation works on the southern playing fields at Boronia Park, North St Marys.
Penrith Council has completed reconstruction and irrigation works on the southern playing fields at Boronia Park, North St Marys increasing the capacity of the field for training and playing.
Grant funding through the NSW Community Building Partnership Grants Program along with Council funding and contributions from St Marys Rugby League Club has delivered a playing surface that is more resilient to the wear and tear.
Penrith Mayor Karen McKeown said the reconstructed fields will accommodate a greater number people.
"Council supports the growth of sport and recreation in Penrith," Cr McKeown said.
"Boronia Park is used by approximately 700 players representing 47 teams for 48 weeks of the year. The upgrades will allow these and new participants more opportunities to train and participate with the playing surface better able to withstand the wear and tear."
"Council is very pleased to have contributed to the project, and is extremely grateful to our other funding partners St Marys Leagues Club and the NSW Government's Community Building Partnership.
"St Marys Leagues Club is the epitome of community and central to many great initiatives in the area while the implementation of the Community Building Partnership program is ensuring that projects are benefitting local communities through the building or improving facilities that deliver positive social, recreational or environmental outcomes."
With over 35,000 participants using sports grounds in the City weekly, Council recognises that providing quality facilities is essential for the growth of both sport and involvement in healthy lifestyle activities by the community at a time when there is an increase in obesity, mental illness and the like. Sport and recreation is a critical part of the fabric of the City bringing communities together, providing significant economic benefit, and creating opportunities for our residents.
Information contained within this news release was correct as at Thursday, 21 April 2016.