Aqua Park to make a splash these school holidays
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- Written by: Adam Gatt Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

Tuesday, 15 September 2015
Play equipment such as swings, trampolines and slides are not normally found in the water, but they are a key feature of a new aquatic playground opening at Cables Wake Park.
The new Aqua Park is a series of interconnecting inflatable play areas which can be used as an above-water obstacle course or simply to jump off into the water.
Accommodating up to 200 per session at a cost of $15 per person for a 50 minute session, the new Aqua Park is set to provide hours of affordable fun for many hundreds of kids these school holidays. There is also a new soft-play area with fountains and other water activities, which is free for kids under 6 years of age.
The opening of this new aquatic playground will be celebrated with a free community event on Saturday 19 September. In addition to experiencing the thrill and excitement of the new Aqua Park, guests can enjoy other activities including games and competitions, a free goodies bag for the first 200 people and a DJ spinning tunes on the deck all day.
Park Manager Kylie Bouwmeester said she's looking forward to sharing this new aquatic experience with locals and visitors to the area.
"The new Aqua Park area is a perfect place for the entire family to enjoy on weekends and school holidays. With free entry into the park and a selection of activities to choose from, there is no better place for a family day out."
Penrith City Mayor Councillor Ross Fowler OAM said Cables Wake Park couldn't have chosen a better time to open this new aquatic playground.
"School holidays are just around the corner and the weather is starting to warm up. I think the new Aqua Park is going to be very popular with young children and those young at heart, and it's certainly a great addition to the suite of family attractions in Penrith, the Adventure Capital of NSW," Cr Fowler said.
Information contained within this news release was correct as at Tuesday, 15 September 2015.