Airport rail infrastructure essential
- Details
- Written by: Adam Gatt Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

Thursday, 13 August 2015
"There is growing concern over the lack of suitable public transport options with the reported omission of a rail link coinciding with the airport's opening." Mayor Ross Fowler
Penrith Council is building the New West. Our city is moving ahead by attracting investment, activating business and creating jobs through strong and targeted advocacy. The Western Sydney airport is helping shape the delivery of key infrastructure through funding new road packages to release the flow of traffic in and around Penrith and Western Sydney.
Work continues on the Badgerys Creek site to prepare the Environmental Impact Study (EIS). It includes site surveys investigating biodiversity, heritage, water quality and background noise all of which will be presented later this year.
Council is eagerly awaiting the report and I know many in the community are keen to have a better understanding of the impact an airport will have on the area too. Upon its release I encourage everyone to have a look at the findings and where appropriate make representations on their thoughts or concerns. While Council represents the community, there is greater weight in numbers for our views to be received.
There is growing concern already over the lack of suitable public transport options with the reported omission of a rail link coinciding with the airport's opening. Sydney Science Park and the Broader Western Sydney Employment Area, both a short distance from the airport, will boost employment opportunities in the area through thousands of new jobs. Rather than continue to choke Western Sydney's roads with more cars a rail link upfront is essential to deliver the best outcome for our communities, economy and environment.
The Australian Government has released its latest community update on the Western Sydney airport project. The Winter 2015 update covers project updates, how an airport can support Western Sydney's change and population growth over the coming decades and a glimpse of how a new airport could harness state-of-the-art designs. It also contains updates on supporting roads upgrades. The update can be found at
Cr Ross Fowler OAM
Mayor of Penrith
Information contained within this news release was correct as at Thursday, 13 August 2015.