2019 Magnetic Places grants open
- Details
- Written by: Adam Gatt Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 council@penrithcity.nsw.gov.au https://www.penrithcity.nsw.gov.au 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

Monday, 6 May 2019
Do you have a great idea to transform a public place in your neighbourhood?
Are you a professional artist or organisation keen to work with a community to create visual impact? Apply now for a Magnetic Places grant and make your idea a reality.
Magnetic Places is a creative placemaking grants program which aims to activate public spaces with and for the local community. Placemaking is a creative and inclusive process where many different people can collaborate to make their local public spaces more sociable, accessible and attractive.
Projects of different sizes are welcome to apply for as little as $1,000 up to $10,000 for local activities and workshop programs with local residents.Council can help connect communities, artists and organisations with each other for potential projects, and provide advice on applications. All enquiries are welcome.
The Magnetic Places Community Placemaking Grants Program is celebrating more than a decade of supporting over 80 creative projects that have transformed local places and communities. 2019 grants are now open for new projects until Monday 1 July.
Penrith Mayor Ross Fowler OAM said Magnetic Places is a unique and wonderful program that brings people together and transforms local public spaces.
“Magnetic Places is an incredibly successful program that has grown each year and produces amazing creative projects and revitalised public spaces in some of Penrith’s oldest neighbourhoods”, Cr Fowler said.
“In a time when we are more disconnected than ever, programs like these bring communities together and help people build social connections that continue on well beyond the life of each project,” he said.
The grant program encourages suitable applicants to apply for up to $10,000 to deliver:
- a creative project that transforms an existing public space into a creative place
- involves active collaboration between artists and residents
- provides free-of-charge events and activities, and
- takes place in one or more of these neighbourhoods: Cambridge Park, Colyton, Cranebrook, Kingswood, Kingswood Park, Llandilo, Londonderry, North St Marys, Oxley Park, Penrith (suburb), St Marys, Werrington.
Collaborations with local organisations and groups are especially welcome.
For more information and to view past projects, see the Magnetic Places section on the Grants page.
Applications for Magnetic Places grants open Monday 6 May and close Monday 1 July 2019.
Information contained within this news release was correct as at Monday, 6 May 2019.