Visionary long-term plan for St Marys endorsed

Visionary long-term plan for St Marys endorsed

Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Penrith City Council has endorsed a visionary Master Plan for St Marys Town Centre, setting it up to become a bustling strategic centre of Western Sydney.

The St Marys Town Centre Master Plan recognises the enormous opportunity presented by the new Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport rail line, and the infrastructure required to meet the needs of a growing community, while also preserving local character and encouraging economic development.

“Council and the community’s shared vision for the St Marys Town Centre is shaping up to be something special, and I’m absolutely thrilled that the Master Plan has now been endorsed,” Penrith Mayor Todd Carney said.

“Collaboration has been a vital part of ensuring we are on the path to success in St Marys – an area home to more than 3,500 people and projected to grow to 25,500 over the next 20 years.

The Plan also seeks to facilitate more than 8,360 new jobs in St Marys and around 9,300 new dwellings constructed by 2041.

“One of our oldest suburbs brimming with rich character and history, St Marys will quickly become a bustling strategic centre of Western Sydney and continue to draw residents, businesses, investors, shoppers and visitors.”

Penrith Mayor Todd Carney thanked businesses, residents, government agencies, industry bodies and other organisations who provided feedback during public exhibition of the draft Master Plan last year.

“This process has shown what we can achieve by working in partnership with stakeholders,” Cr Carney said.

“This has been a place-based, evidence-based process that is going to transform St Marys into a more vibrant, sustainable, authentic and welcoming strategic centre.”

At the Ordinary Meeting held on 3 March 2025, Council endorsed the Master Plan and the public exhibition of the draft Development Control Plan and draft Development Contributions Plan for St Marys.

“These plans will support the implementation of the Master Plan and help us achieve our vision for a modern, vibrant and thriving St Marys Town Centre,” Cr Carney said.

The draft Development Control Plan and draft Development Contributions Plan will be on public exhibition from the 6 March until 11.59pm on 2 April 2025.

To view these plans and share your feedback visit:

Hard copies will also be available to view at the following locations:

Penrith City Council Civic Centre
601 High Street, Penrith
Opening hours: 8.30am-4pm weekdays

Penrith Library
601 High Street, Penrith
Opening hours:
• Monday-Thursday: 9am-8pm
• Friday-Saturday: 9am-5pm
• Sunday: 10am-5pm

St Marys Library
207-209 Queen Street, St Marys
Opening hours:
• Monday-Thursday: 9am-8pm
• Friday-Saturday: 9am-5pm
• Sunday: 10am-5pm

Information contained within this news release was correct as at Wednesday, 5 March 2025.