Adopt a Tree program sees all trees homed

Adopt a Tree program sees all trees homed

Thursday, 16 May 2024

Another 240 trees will be planted in Penrith by residents as part of Penrith City Council’s Adopt a Tree program that was held over the weekend.

The Adopt a Tree program invited Penrith residents to register for a tree grown by Council’s Nursery to plant on their private properties.

Penrith Mayor Todd Carney said that despite the rain, it was great to see residents participate in the program and adopt a tree to plant in their front or back yards.

“Planting trees is one approach to mitigating the issue of urban heat by increasing our canopy cover and shade, leading to a cooler community during the summer months — an initiative that has seen a significant increase in shade and cooling over the last five years across our City,” Cr Carney said.

“If you are interested in planting more trees, we recommend you visit your local nursery and see which plants will compliment your home.”

Trees were supplied by Council’s Nursery, with limited stock available for the program. Species include Callistemon citrinus, Callistemon viminalis, Callistemon viminalis ‘Hannah ray’, Callistemon salignus, and Melaleuca bracteate.

The Resilient Penrith Action Plan is a strategy Council developed in collaboration with stakeholders and the community to provide an outline and guide on building Penrith's awareness and preparedness in the face of risks, shocks, and stresses such as extreme heat. Find out more at

Information contained within this news release was correct as at Thursday, 16 May 2024.