Seniors get active with Penrith City Libraries’ fitness program

Seniors get active with Penrith City Libraries’ fitness program

Friday, 21 July 2023

As part of their 5-year Library Services Strategy, Penrith City Libraries are expanding its programs for seniors with its first-ever ongoing fitness program, the Active Ageing Group.

The group meets once a week during the school term for gentle strengthening exercises, seniors’ yoga, cardio and opportunities for socialisation, with current members looking forward to seeing the group grow.

Penrith Mayor Tricia Hitchen expressed excitement at the Library’s evolving programs offered to the community.

“Libraries can be seen as a less intimidating space for older members of our community to exercise, and Penrith City Libraries has chosen to expand its programs for seniors to help facilitate this on a more ongoing basis with the Active Ageing Group,” Cr Hitchen said.

“The Library recently hosted the Geri-Fit program, a 12-week program held in partnership with Curtin University, which provided seniors with an opportunity to get active and meet new people in a safe space.

“Our Library staff work very hard throughout the year to diversify the range of programs offered at our branches, and I am thrilled to see their growth and positive impact on the community.

“The Library has heard nothing but praise for the weekly group, and I know that the participants are excited for interested community members to join in on the weekly fun.”

The Active Ageing Group forms a part of Penrith City Council’s 5-year Library Services Strategy, which identified the opportunity to create and support accessible library programs such as the fitness group. The group is one of the Library’s many diverse programs that are free and available to the community.

The group meets every Tuesday during the school term from 11am-12pm at Penrith City Library, with the current school term’s last Tuesday being 19 September 2023.

Other ongoing programs available to seniors include knitting groups, Book Club, Tales and Tea, and the Library’s popular Home Library Service. Find out more at

Information contained within this news release was correct as at Friday, 21 July 2023.