Have Your Say on Coreen Avenue Intersection Upgrades
- Details
- Written by: Rochelle Burr Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 council@penrithcity.nsw.gov.au https://www.penrithcity.nsw.gov.au 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

Wednesday, 26 April 2023
Penrith City Council is inviting the community to help improve traffic flow, travel times and safety along Coreen Avenue by providing feedback on the design for a new $13 million upgrade.
The design proposes upgrades to six key intersections along the congested Coreen Avenue corridor between Castlereagh Road and Lemongrove Road, known to experience heavy traffic and delays for motorists during morning and afternoon peak periods.
Key features include new signalised intersections with four-lane carriageways at Coombes Drive (west) and at Sydney Smith Drive to replace the existing roundabouts at Combewood Avenue and Sydney Smith Drive.
Other improvements include an upgraded dual-lane roundabout at Bel-Air Road, a new roundabout at Hickeys Lane, access changes at Coombes Drive (east) and a four-lane carriageway with dedicated turning lanes at Lemongrove Road.
Pedestrians are also set to benefit from the upgrade with more street lighting, new and upgraded pathways and pedestrian refuge islands planned at busy intersections.
Funding for the upgrade was secured in the fourth round of the Australian Government’s Western Sydney Infrastructure Plan – Local Roads Package, which is administered by the NSW Government and aims to improve the connectivity, capacity and efficiency of roads in Western Sydney.
Penrith Mayor Tricia Hitchen says the upgrade, which Council will deliver, is another example of all three levels of government working collaboratively to deliver projects that make a real difference for people in Penrith.
“Coreen Avenue is a critical road for Penrith. It connects two busy state roads, Castlereagh Road and The Northern Road, and provides an important link and access to businesses and homes,” Cr Hitchen said.
“Currently motorists can be queued up to 170 metres and wait up to six minutes to get through intersections. With our population growing and more cars and heavy vehicles on our roads, these delays are only expected to worsen.
“The design for the intersection upgrades addresses many of the challenges being felt by motorists currently and importantly, aims to support future motorists and pedestrians using this road as our city grows.”
Cr Hitchen said this project has been a priority for Council for many years and it’s important the community has input to ensure the design reflects the needs of people who use the road the most.
“We are keen to hear what users of Coreen Avenue think about the design, so please take the time to contribute, especially if you live or work in the immediately surrounding area,” Cr Hitchen said.
View the design at: yoursaypenrith.com.au/coreenavenueupgrade
Consultation closes 5pm Friday 19 May 2023.
Information contained within this news release was correct as at Wednesday, 26 April 2023.