Council congratulates Residents for taking their e-waste to the right place
- Details
- Written by: Todd Wedmaier Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

Thursday, 6 April 2023
Penrith City Council congratulates Penrith residents for taking their e-waste to the right place at Council’s recent E-waste Drop-off Day on Saturday, 18 March.
Penrith residents diverted 99% of the electronic waste collected from landfill. Penrith Mayor Tricia Hitchen congratulated Penrith residents for doing the right thing. “E-waste is growing three times the rate of any other waste, so it’s crucial that we ensure our electronic items are disposed of correctly and safely and are taken to the right place,” Cr Hitchen said.
“The day was a success with 902 attendees, filling six 30m3 shipping containers, collecting around 26,000kgs of e-waste. Residents complimented the event, acknowledging how efficiently things ran, with short waiting times while the teams worked tirelessly in the heat,” she said.
86% of attendees were happy with the new location and found it convenient for the event; with people attending from across the region, the most represented postcodes were 2750 and 2474. Both attendance and e-waste collection increased to around 118% from the September event, which is an outstanding effort from the community.
“I would like to congratulate the commitment of Penrith’s residents to ensuring their e-waste is taken to the right place where it can be disposed of correctly.
“It’s essential that we recycle e-waste responsibly rather than send it to landfill. Not only does it take up a huge amount of unnecessary space, but some items have components that can also be toxic to the environment and local wildlife. Whereas most items can be recycled and turned into new products if taken to the right place for disposal,” Cr Hitchen said.
Council is encouraging anyone who missed out on the drop-off day or has accumulated more e-waste after attending the drop-off day to take their e-waste to the Penrith Community Recycling Centre. The Community Recycling Centre, better known as the CRC, is free and open all year round for residents and accepts most electronic items.
For opening hours and a list of items that the Community Recycling Centre accepts, visit
Information contained within this news release was correct as at Thursday, 6 April 2023.