Help Learner Drivers become safer drivers with free workshops
- Details
- Written by: Todd Wedmaier Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

Wednesday, 1 March 2023
Sometimes it is nerve-wracking being in the passenger seat supervising a Learner Driver when they’re logging their hours for their Learners. That’s why Penrith City Council and Transport for NSW have partnered to run two free online workshops in March and May as part of their ongoing road initiatives program.
The workshops will be hosted in Microsoft Teams with the first commencing on Wednesday 8 March and the second scheduled for Wednesday 3 May from 6pm-8pm.
The workshops will provide attendees with the best tools and tips when it comes to Learner Driver supervision and will cover topics such as how to supervise Learner Drivers, complete the Learner logbook, and the important role supervisors play in supporting the Learner Driver when they learn how to drive.
There will also be an opportunity to ask any questions from a Road Safety expert.
Penrith Mayor Tricia Hitchen praised the workshops and expressed her excitement at it returning for 2023.
“The Helping Learner Drivers Become Safe Drivers Workshops are a fantastic opportunity for supervisors to learn how to best support their teenagers, siblings or friends who are learning how to drive,” Cr Hitchen said.
“The workshops are not only for parents or other important adults who are teaching young teenagers to drive; we encourage anyone who is supporting a Learner Driver to register and come along for some great tips and tricks.”
The workshops are best suited for anyone supervising a person under 25 years who is a parent, older sibling or older person supervising a child, sibling or young adult looking to obtain their Ls.
Limited spots are available. Register at
Information contained within this news release was correct as at Wednesday, 1 March 2023.