More places to play for Colyton residents
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- Written by: Todd Wedmaier Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

Thursday, 17 November 2022
Penrith City Council has completed an upgrade of the Brooker and Day Reserve playspace in Colyton.
The new playspace design was developed in close consultation with the local community and features a variety of play equipment including a multi-bay swing set, see-saw and balance trail.
Penrith Mayor Tricia Hitchen said the project complemented a recent upgrade to the nearby Iron Bark Way playspace.
“We are thrilled to have delivered two new recreation spaces for Colyton residents and their families to enjoy,” Cr Hitchen said.
A new picnic table with awning, bin, water bubbler, pathway, trees and shade sails were also included in the upgrade.
Council invested $131,168 in the upgrade through its ongoing asset renewal program, with the NSW Government contributing an additional $57,787 through the Community Building Partnership program.
Member for Londonderry Prue Car MP said she is proud to have supported the project to deliver this new recreational facility, which is now a fantastic asset for the Colyton community.
The project is part of Council’s commitment to upgrade 40 playspaces over a five-year period between 2019-2024, with 23 playspaces now renewed across the Local Government Area.
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Information contained within this news release was correct as at Thursday, 17 November 2022.