Dunheved Road REF released for public exhibition
- Details
- Written by: Todd Wedmaier Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 council@penrithcity.nsw.gov.au https://www.penrithcity.nsw.gov.au 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

Thursday, 1 September 2022
Penrith City Council has placed the Review of Environmental Factors (REF) on exhibition for the Dunheved Road upgrade.
The project is funded by the Australian Government under the Urban Congestion Fund, which will alleviate congestion between Richmond Road and the Werrington Road/Christie Street intersection. The upgrade will create a new median separated four lane carriageway and shared user path along Dunheved Road, instead of the current two-lane undivided road.
The REF describes the proposed works and documents the likely environmental impacts of the works while detailing mitigation measures which will be implemented to alleviate any impacts.
Penrith Mayor Tricia Hitchen said the exhibition of the REF is the next step in the delivery of the project which is an important transport link for the city.
“The upgrade of Dunheved Road is a significant infrastructure undertaking, and one which requires considered planning to ensure it provides the benefits of reducing congestion while reducing any impact to residents and the environment,” Cr Hitchen said.
“Community input during the design stage has allowed us to make changes that will reduce or avoid a number of potential environmental impacts.”
To support the REF, a number of specialist field studies were undertaken including traffic modelling, noise modelling, an ecological survey, a cultural heritage due diligence assessment, a geotechnical investigation and contaminated land assessment. These studies were carried out to guide and determine the proposed impacts to sensitive environments within the Study Area and its surrounds.
The exhibition period is open until Friday 23 September. To view the REF and provide feedback, visit: yoursaypenrith.com.au/dunhevedroadupgrade
Information contained within this news release was correct as at Thursday, 1 September 2022.