Library services accelerate as Council launches second EV
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- Written by: Jessica Gadd Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

Sunday, 31 July 2022
Community members of the Penrith Local Government Area (LGA) now have easier access to Penrith City Council’s library services thanks to a new member of the team.
An official launch of the eco-friendly van was held last week in celebration of Library and Information Week.
Penrith Mayor Tricia Hitchen said the 100% electric vehicle benefits the community while serving as a reminder of Council’s commitment to a cleaner future.
“Council is really proud to launch Evie, our newest electric vehicle which is great for the environment with low emissions and reduced running costs compared to a standard car or van,” Cr Hitchen said.
“We have seen firsthand the benefits of using an eco-friendly vehicle and understand why it’s a valuable resource in assisting Council staff to deliver much-needed services within our community.
“Some residents are unable to attend Council’s libraries in person, so Evie provides the opportunity for our Library team to go directly to community members – either putting smiles on young faces through our Toy Library Outreach Service or delivering books, DVDs and iPads to our less mobile or unwell library members, as part of the weekly Home Library Service.
“Council sees the importance of our libraries and how they enrich the lives of our residents; Evie was purchased to enable staff to better serve the community and enhance our Pop-Up Library offering in an environmentally conscious way.”
Council’s first electric vehicle, a Renault Kangoo, has covered just over 44,500km while being recharged using 100% GreenPower, with a recharging cost of only $911 over 3 years (as of Feb 2022).
The second electric vehicle joins Council’s fleet to build on existing work in the sustainability space, and to better serve the community going forward.
In honour of Library and Information Week, Council reminds residents that membership to our Libraries is free to all NSW residents. There is no age limit, and each family member can receive a library card to borrow physical and digital resources. Children up to the age of 16 will need a parent or guardian to join them and sign their card.
To find out more about Council’s libraries and the many services, events and activities on offer, visit
Information contained within this news release was correct as at Sunday, 31 July 2022.