Our Organisation

Access To Information Fact Sheet

Find out how to access information from Council.

Audit Risk Improvement Committee Charter

Rad Council's Audit, Risk & Improvement Committee charter.

Business Ethics Statement

Read Council's business ethics statement.

Community Plan

Council Information Guide

Download Council's information guide.


Formal Request For Information Form

Download Council's formal request for access to information application form.

GIPA Internal Review Form

This form should be used if you wish to apply for internal review of a decisionThis form should be used if you wish to apply for internal review of a decisionmade under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act).

Government Contracts Register GIPA

Informal Request for Information Form

Download Council's information request for access to information application form.

Internal Audit Charter

Read the internal audit charter of Council's Audit, Risk & Improvement Committee.

Operational Plan 2024-2025

Road Reserve Opening Permit Application