
Building & Development Sites Factsheet

Bushfire Prone Land Map

DA21/0481 Determination and Statement of Reasons

DA21/0857 Determination and Statement of Reasons

Design Guidelines For Engineering Works For Development Subdivisions Amendment

Download the design guidelines for engineering works for development and subdivisions amendment.

Determination and Statement of Reasons

Determination and Statement of Reasons - DA22 0280

Development Application Information Sheet

Engineering Construction Specification for Civil Works

Environmental Heritage Conservation Map LEP 1991

Exempt Development Factsheet

FAQ Building & Development Sites

FAQ Industrial Commercial Premises

Home Based Business Development Application Factsheet

Council supports home based business. There are some rules about what types of businesses can operate in residential areas. Download this factsheet with information to help you submit a development application for a home based business.

Industrial Commercial Premises Factsheet







Principal Certifying Authority PCA Factsheet

Rural Residential Development Factsheet

Download this factsheet for information about residential development in rural areas including a checklist for lodging a development application.

Secondary Dwelling Granny Flats Factsheet

Download this factsheet for information about secondary dwellings (often called a 'granny flat').

Subdivision Factsheet

Find information about subdivisions including a checklist for applying for development approval or a subdivision certificate.

Water Sensitive Urban Design Factsheet

Water Sensitive Urban Design Technical Guidelines