- Details
- Written by: Adam Gatt Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 council@penrithcity.nsw.gov.au https://www.penrithcity.nsw.gov.au 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia
Quick Links
- NSW E-Tendering
- Council’s Electronic Tendering Portal
- Current Tenders and Expressions of Interest (EOI)
- Purchase Order Terms and Conditions
Council's philosophy and guidelines
Our philosophy for tendering is to provide Council with the best possible solution to goods and services requirements, while minimising Council's exposure to risk and providing value for money. It also aims to ensure that the process is fair to all.
The principle of value for money does not mean that Council will automatically select goods and services with the lowest price. Council will balance all relevant factors including initial cost, whole of life costs, quality, reliability and timeliness to determine actual value for money. Our tendering aims to promote honesty, transparency and integrity, and protect the public's interests.
Council procures goods and services in accordance with section 55 of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW) , the tender provisions within the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 (NSW) and in accordance with the Council's adopted policies and associated procedures.
Our processes promote fairness, efficiency and effectiveness, a fair and competitive tendering environment that:
- deals appropriately with conflicts of interest
- provides Council with best value options
- ensures accountability and
- encourage monitoring and evaluation of performance.
There are 10 principles of ethical behaviour underlying our procurement/tender process that must be adhered to by all parties, at all times and at all levels:
- Parties must conduct the procurement/tendering process with honesty and fairness at all levels.
- Parties must conform to all legal obligations.
- Parties must not seek quotations/tenders without a firm intention to proceed.
- Parties must not engage in any practice, including improper inducements, which give one party an improper advantage over another.
- Respondents must be prepared to attest to their probity, and not engage in any form of collusive practice.
- Conditions of tendering/procurement must be the same for each party on any particular submission.
- All requirements must be clearly specified in the tender/quotation documents and criteria for evaluation must be clearly indicated.
- Evaluation of tenders/quotations must be based on the conditions of tendering/procurement and selection criteria defined in the tender/quotation documents unless otherwise allowed by law.
- Parties must not disclose confidential or proprietary information.
- Any party with a conflict of interest must declare that interest as soon as the conflict is known to that party - see Council’s Code of Conduct.
See our Statement of Business Ethics and Work Health and Safety Policy.
For more details contact our customer experience team who will direct your call to the Supply Section on 02 4732 7777
For more information, see the NSW Government's Local procurement: A guide to doing business with local councils, or consult our Procurement Fact Sheet.
For information on our Governments Contracts Register as per the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009, please see our Access to Information web page.
How to submit a tender or expression of interest
(Certain Quotations may follow these steps. This information should be used as a general guide and is not intended to be a categorical instruction of all of Council’s tendering procedures. For further information please contact Council’s Supply Section on 4732 8152)
Step 1 - Find and review the advertisement for Public Tenders and Expression of Interest
Council advertises all open tenders, expressions of interest (EOI) and quotations in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005. Advertisements are generally published on the Council’s Electronic Tendering Portal there may be however circumstances where Council uses alternaitve methods of advertisement.
You will also find the most recent information about tendering opportunities of other NSW E-Tendering memberCouncils on the eTendering site NSW E-Tendering site.
Please note: Council is not required to advertise tenders for contracts of a value less than $250,000 (including GST). Contracts under $250,000 are generally not advertised.
Step 2 - Obtain a Copy of the Request for Tender or Expression of Interest (EOI)
These documents can be downloaded from the NSW E-Tendering portal at no cost.
Alternatively, Council can provide a hard copy for a non-refundable fee. Copies can be obtained at the, Civic Centre which is located at 601 High St, Penrith. To request a hard copy, please contact Council on (02) 4732 7777.
Step 3 - Decide whether you are Suitable for the Project
Read the documents carefully and familiarise yourself with the following:
- All sections of the request for tender, quotation or expression of interest document
- Council’s Conditions of Tendering Requirements theTerms and Conditions of Contract
- All Specifications and Statement of Requirements, and the advertised Selection Criteria
Confirm that you can provide the product or service in accordance with Council’s Terms and Conditions
If you wish to be advised of all requests for tenders being issued by Council you can register your company online via the NSW E-Tendering site.
Step 4 - Understanding the Terms and Conditions of the Tender
You will need to ensure that you understand all the terms and conditions of the specific tender, quotation or expression of interest.
If you are unsure about Council’s proposed contract, either make enquiries in writing with the contact person nominated in the advertisement and/or have the tender reviewed by your legal representative.
Step 5 - Completing your Tender, Quotation or Expression of Interest Submission
All submissions made to Council should include all completed schedules and associated annexures or attachments from the request for tender, quotation or expression of interest document.All submissions made to Council should include all completed schedules and associated annexures or attachments from the request for tender, quotation or expression of interest document.
Applicants should:
- address all the criteria
- supply all related information, and
- abide and conform to the conditions of tender
Your submission is then ready to lodge (refer to step 7).
Submissions received by Council are treated in confidence during the evaluation and reporting stages (see Steps 9 to 10 and 12), and subsequently retained on Council’s confidential tender, quotation or expression of interest file.
Step 6 - Tender Period Clarification
Generally, the tender period for submissions is for a minimum of 21 calendar days after the date of the advertisement’s first publication. However, the submission period for quotations may vary.Generally, the tender period for submissions is for a minimum of 21 calendar days after the date of the advertisement’s first publication. However, the submission period for quotations may vary.
During the tender period, you may wish to seek further information or clarification from the nominated Council officer. If appropriate, a response to your query will be forwarded in writing to you and all other applicants who registered and obtained a copy of the request for tender Quotation or expression of interest document. Council will maintain a written record of all advice given. Council reserves the right not to answer any request if deemed that it is not appropriate to provide the requested information.
To ensure that all potential respondents are given the same information, a public information session may be held. At a public information session, the relevant Council officer would give details of the tender, highlight requirements regarding the tender documentation that is to be submitted, and answer questions regarding the tender. The minutes of this meeting would be distributed to those who attend the meeting, and those that have registered their interest in the tender, quotation or expression of interest with Council.
During the tender period any amendments, addendums and additional information released byCouncil will be communicated to all registered applicants.
Applicants are advised to check Vendorpanel during the tender period for any additional information that may be posted.
Step 7 - Lodgement of Tender / Quotation / Expression of Interest Submission
In accordance with Councils Statement of Business Ethics, and the instructions in the relevant request for tender, quotation or expression of interest document, subject to conditions, submissions may be:In accordance with Councils Statement of Business Ethics, and the instructions in the relevant request for tender, quotation or expression of interest document, subject to conditions, submissions may be:
- lodged via Vendorpanel portal (please note, this is Council’s preferred option)
- delivered by hand to the Tender Box located at Council’s Civic Centre)
- sent through the mail via a post office facility or other recognised delivery agency
Soft Copies
The electronic tendering system has the capacity to allow viewing of documents, downloading or ordering of request for tender documents, and for the lodgement of tender responses in appropriate circumstances.
Tenderers are encouraged, although not mandatory, to obtain access to the Request for Tender documents via this link and use Council’s Electronic Tendering Portal to prepare and submit tender responses. There is no fee or costs to use the Penrith City Council Portal.
Hard Copy submissions
If lodging a submission in hardcopy, the submission must be made in a sealed envelope marked "Tender”, “Quotation” or “Expression of Interest” along with the advertised name and reference number. Hard copy submissions should be addressed to the Tender Box, Civic Centre – Ground Floor, Penrith City Council, 601High Street, Penrith NSW 2750.
Please ensure sufficient time is allowed in lodging your response
Public access to Council’s Customer Service Centre is limited to business hours Monday to Friday from8.30am to 4.00pm on normal business working days.
Step 8 - Closing Time and Date
All submissions in response to a Request for Tender, Quotation and Expression of Interest should be lodged into the manual or electronic tender box via the Vendorpanel portal as soon as possible, but no later than the closing time specified in the tender documents.
The closing time and date nominated in the request for tender, quotation and expression of interest is the latest time by which the submission must be lodged.
Please ensure sufficient time is allowed in lodging your response.
Tender, quotation and expression of interest submissions received after the nominated closing time and date in most cases will result in Council not being able to consider the response further.
Don’t not leave it to the last minute!
Step 9 - Tender, Quotation or Expression of Interest Opening
.Members of the public who attend the opening of tenders and expressions of interest shall be entitled to the same information as that which members of the public are entitled under section 175 the legislation.
A listing of applicants will be displayed on the Customer Service Notice Board.
Step 10 - Evaluation of Tender, Quotation or Expression of Interest
Submissions are generally reviewed by an Evaluation Panel.Submissions are generally reviewed by an Evaluation Panel.
The assessment criterion is set out within the tender, quotation or EOI documentation. This will in most cases be used to evaluate the submissions.
- Criteria example:
- Completion/delivery times
- Quality
- Current commitments
- Previous performance-referee checks
- Capability including technical, management, human resources and financial capability
- WH & S Performance
- Workplace and industrial relations practices
- Environmental performance
- Conformity requirements & Compliance with relevant laws & regulations
- Life Cycle Costs/Whole of life costs
Applicants should ensure that all information relating to the tender, quotation, or expression of interest selection criteria is provided.
Responses to each of the selection criteria are evaluated against a predetermined scoring methodology that ensures fairness and equity in the evaluation process. The successful submission will be that which the evaluation process determines will deliver the most advantageous outcome to Council.
Step 11 - Interviews
The Evaluation Panel may in some instances invite you to a post tender interview to seek further details of your capacity to carry out the required works or services.The Evaluation Panel may in some instances invite you to a post tender interview to seek further details of your capacity to carry out the required works or services.
Following a post tender interview, the Evaluation Panel may review their original evaluation of the selection criteria, against the predetermined scoring methodology.
Step 12 - Recommendation to Council
After completing the evaluation process, the tender evaluation panel delivers a tender report and recommendation to an Ordinary Meeting of the Council. Public access to the report will be available in the Business Paper for that Ordinary Meeting of Council, under the “Your council” tab on Council’s website via http://www.penrithcity.nsw.gov.au/. The Council report, while not limited to, will include the names of the tenderers, the price submitted and the details that have contributed to the panel recommendation.
You can email
Submission checklist
Before submitting a tender, quotation or expression of interest to Council, check you have:
- read and understood the terms and conditions of the tender, quotation or expression of interest terms and conditions in full
- read and understood Council’s Statement of Business Ethics
- read and understood the specifications
- sought clarification on any points that I don’t understand
- completed every schedule in the request for tender, quotation or expression of interest document
- attached the required supporting documentation
- answered all the selection criteria for tender, quotation or expression of interest
- signed every field that requires a signature in the tender, quotation or expression of interest schedules
If you are unsure about Council’s proposed contract, either make enquiries in writing with the contact person nominated in the advertisement and/or have the tender reviewed by your legal representative.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a tender or expression of interest? When does Council call for them?
Tendering is the formal process for the procurement of goods and services. Council is required by the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW) and the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 (NSW) to invite tenders for contracts that involve an estimated expenditure or receipt of an amount of $150,000 or greater (including GST).
Council may also choose to invite tenders where there is no legislative requirement to do so. Generally, we do this if:
- tendering seems the most appropriate mechanism due to the complexity or nature of the items or service
- consolidation of items or services would warrant it
- Council has limited experience in a particular field for arranging for a service or item, or
- we want to obtain a pool of potential providers.
Council may call for expressions of interest where there is no legislative requirement to invite tenders when we have less specific requirements and wish to consider a range of solution options that may be proposed by suppliers.
Where do I find out about opportunities for Council work?
Council’s invitations to tender are published on the NSW E-Tendering website and on Council’s Electronic Tendering Portal. On these sites you can view, download or order request for tender documents and lodge your tender submissions.
Advertisements relating to current public tenders, expressions of interest and certain quotations are generally published in the local government section of the Sydney Morning Herald (Tuesday edition), and once in the Council’s News Page in local press media (The Western Weekender).
Who do I contact for clarification about a tender, quotation or EOI?
Contact the Council Officer nominated in the advertisement or the tender, quotation or EOI documents. Please note that if a clarification is provided it will only be valid if it is issued in writing. Any clarification given may also be issued to all other prospective Tenderers.
Can I lobby Councillors and staff?
No. This may result in disqualification from the tender / EOI process.
What is 'best value'?
Value for money does not automatically mean the “lowest price”. Council aims to select the offer that represents the “best overall value for each dollar spent”. This is determined by considering a range of factors relevant to the particular purpose of the tender or expression of interest. This may include, but is not limited to the:
- initial cost of the goods and services
- whole of life costs
- quality and reliability of the goods and services delivered, and
- innovation and value adding components such as meeting Council’s economic, social development and environmental policy objectives.
Best value for money is achieved when the submission satisfies all the essential criteria, specifications, safety, environmental and statutory requirements stated in the tender / EOI document.
Is there an opportunity to negotiate the contract if I am awarded the tender?
After the offer has been accepted, there is no opportunity to negotiate the contract. Alternatives or variations to the terms of the tender must be submitted in full as part of your tender submission. However, if submitting alternatives or variations to the tender, you must ensure that you also submit a conforming tender.
Register for Quotations
Council uses an online quotation tool called VendorPanel Marketplace to simplify the way we seek quotations from potential suppliers when services are not covered by existing contracts.
We encourage local suppliers to register for quotations (it’s free) and create a profile.
When requirements come up that fit with your business category you will be presented to relevant Council staff as a supplier option.
If Council requests a quote from you, you’ll be notified by email and can easily review the quotation request and submit your quote securely through your VendorPanel Marketplace profile by simply following the prompts.
Recently received tenders
Provider | ABN/ACN | Address |
Axial Construction Pty Ltd | 41 639 295 355 | 90 Nemean Rd Austral, New South Wales 2179 Australia |
Azbuild Pty Ltd | 8G. & K. Construction Services Pty Ltd0 089 795 639 | 315 Coobah Rd East Kurrajong, New South Wales 2758 Australia |
Budget Demolition & Excavation Pty Ltd | 42 084 229 872 | 84 Victoria St Smithfield, New South Wales 2164 Australia |
Cockerill Contracting Pty. Limited | 50 079 267 422 | 66 Victoria St Riverstone, New South Wales 2765 Australia |
CONVIL GROUP PTY LTD | 18 613 491 875 | 4 Vicars Pl Wetherill Park, New South Wales 2164 Australia |
G. & K. Construction Services Pty Ltd | 21 067 818 320 | 12 Sea Breeze Pl Boambee East, New South Wales 2452 Australia |
Kingsline Pty Ltd | 22 654 047 346 | 11 Success St Greenfield Park, New South Wales 2176 Australia |
Mack Civil Pty Limited | 94 163 885 943 | 5 / 111 Boundary Rd Peakhurst, New South Wales 2210 Australia |
RARE ENVIRONMENTAL PTY LTD | 41 617 855 017 | 110 / 117 Old Pittwater Rd Brookvale, New South Wales 2100 Australia |
RMA Group | 28 092 116 704 | 12/6-20 Braidwood St Strathfield South, New South Wales 2136 Australia |
Provider | ABN/ACN | Address |
ARA Security Services Pty Ltd | 23 063 679 415 | 9B Commercial Road Kingsgrove, NSW 2208 |
Elecdata Australia Pty Ltd | 84 080 404 771 | 26 Garema Cct Kingsgrove, NSW 2208 |
Exact Technologies Pty Ltd | 64 604 249 587 | Unit 11/10 Production Place Jamisontown, NSW 2750 |
Fortis Security Pty Ltd | 35 163 628 028 | Unit 2/287 Victoria Road Rydalmere, NSW 2116 |
Guztech Group Pty Ltd | 38 669 212 622 | 11 Nyardo Place Jannali, NSW 2226 |
H3C Plus Pty Ltd | 11 610 619 951 | Suite 24/115 Wickham Street Fortitude Valley, QLD 4006 |
Piekar Comm Services Pty Ltd | 26 618 736 299 | 5 Bootle Place Cranebrook, NSW 2749 |
Sapio Pty Ltd | 88 169 549 820 | 97 Anzac Avenue West Ryde, NSW 2114 |
The Trustee for The Azzopardi Family Trust | 40 428 979 455 | 10/9 Kilto Crescent Glendenning, NSW 2761 |
Tritech Solutions Pty Ltd | 40 111 854 454 | 18/70 Holbeche Road Arndell Park, NSW 2148 |
Ultimate Security Australia Pty Ltd | 72 168 832 013 | 111 Parramatta Road Concord, NSW 2137 |
Wilson Security Pty Ltd | 90 127 406 295 | 423 Nudgee Road Hendra, QLD 4011 |
Provider | ABN/ACN | Address |
Adonis Building & Maintenance Services Pty Ltd | 81 092 949 767 | 722 Pennant Hills Road, Carlingford NSW 2118 |
Bda Building Co Pty Ltd | 68 605 223 587 | 472-476 High St Penrith, New South Wales 2750 Australia |
Citcon Group Pty Ltd | 41 606 129 499 | 10/59 Halstead St South Hurstville, New South Wales 2221 Australia |
Coverit Building Group Pty Ltd | 79 613 400 954 | Unit 18/37-47 Borec Rd Penrith, New South Wales 2750 Australia |
Cranebrook Constructions | 86 395 530 421 | 97-101 Taylor Rd Cranebrook, New South Wales 2749 Australia |
Dalski Pty Ltd | 11 107 119 442 | Unit 1/26A Ralph St Alexandria, New South Wales 2015 Australia |
Euroka Projects Pty Ltd | 27 657 260 207 | 9 Central Hills Dr Gregory Hills, New South Wales 2557 Australia |
O'Dwyer Building Services Pty Ltd | 65 608 270 373 | 36 MacArthur Ave Pagewood, New South Wales 2035 Australia |
Reanimated Construction | 69 667 296 371 | 19A Margaret St Seven Hills, New South Wales 2147 Australia |
Refresh and Renew Painting | 22 558 878 821 | 107 Koloona Dr Emu Plains, New South Wales 2750 Australia |
Savil Projects Pty Ltd | 43 623 804 017 | 1 Mawson Pl Mawson, Australian Capital Territory 2607 Australia |
Sydney Stone Masons Pty Ltd | 61 152 617 868 | 55 Smith St Hillsdale, New South Wales 2036 Australia |
Westbury Constructions Pty Ltd | 53 155 351 518 | 16 Rob Pl Vineyard, New South Wales 2765 Australia |
Provider | ABN/ACN | Address |
Ally Infrastructure Pty Ltd | 094 217 151 | 20 Sammut St Smithfield, New South Wales 2164 Australia |
Alpha Civil Group Pty Ltd | 86 651 291 182 | 29 Albyn St Bexley, New South Wales 2207 Australia |
Axial Construction Pty Ltd | 41 639 295 355 | 90 Nemean Rd Austral, New South Wales 2179 Australia |
CONVIL GROUP PTY LTD | 18 613 491 875 | 4 Vicars Pl Wetherill Park, New South Wales 2164 Australia |
D.S.A. Contracting Pty Ltd | 21 138 047 355 | 24 Boronia Rd Glenorie, New South Wales 2157 Australia |
J & G Asphalt & Civil Contractors Pty Ltd | 58 663 233 270 | 43 Owen St Glendenning, New South Wales 2761 Australia |
KK CIVIL ENGINEERING | 45 096 363 254 | 17-23 Bryant St Padstow, New South Wales 2211 Australia |
Lucas Civil Group Pty Ltd | 63 164 481 958 | 32/40 Jack Williams Dr Penrith, New South Wales 2750 Australia |
Mack Civil Pty Limited | 94 163 885 943 | 5 / 111 Boundary Rd Peakhurst, New South Wales 2210 Australia |
Masport Pty. Ltd. | 30 169 713 179 | 16 Hinchinbrook Dr Hinchinbrook, New South Wales 2168 Australia |
REANIMATED CONSTRUCTION | 69 667 296 371 | 19A Margaret St Seven Hills, New South Wales 2147 Australia |
Statewide Civil Pty Ltd | 80 112 558 513 | 26/5 Anella Ave Castle Hill, New South Wales 2154 Australia |
WEM Civil | 91 000 234 140 | 7-9 Irvine Pl Bella Vista, New South Wales 2153 Australia |
Provider | ABN/ACN | Address |
Intellitrac Telematics | 31 238 398 354 | 11 Scholar Drive, Bundoora, Vic 3083 |
Manage My Fleet Pty Ltd | 28 662 088 691 | 25 Boronia Ave, Holland Park West, Qld 4121 |
Navman Wireless Australia Pty Ltd | 50 123 981 457 | 7-11 Talavera Rd Macquarie Park, NSW 2113 |
Netcorp GPS Pty Ltd | 45 153 814 987 | 5 Rider Blvd Rhodes, NSW 2138 |
Netstar Australia Pty Ltd | 30 091 898 547 | Unit 49/2 Slough Ave, Silverwater NSW 2128 |
Origo Connect Australia Pty Ltd | 40 631 618 516 | 21 Ken Cres Helensvale, Qld 4212 |
SafetyCulture | 16 089 180 049 | 72-84 Foveaux Street Surry Hills NSW 2010 |
Software Integrators Pty Ltd | 21 002 480 873 | Level 10/162 Goulburn St, Surry Hills NSW 2010 |
Telstra Limited | 64 086 174 781 | 242 Exhibition St Melbourne, Vic 3000 |
Provider | ABN/ACN | Address |
Arenco (Nsw) Pty Limited | 61002671392 | 184 Adderley St Auburn, New South Wales 2144 |
Axial Construction Pty Ltd | 41639295355 | 90 Nemean Rd Austral, New South Wales 2179 |
Ca&I Pty Ltd | 40158442436 | 10 Regent St Chippendale, New South Wales 2008 |
Ford Civil Contracting Pty Ltd | 24002542814 | 9 Hattersley St Arncliffe, New South Wales 2205 |
Fresh Landscapes & Gardens Pty Ltd | 53140634617 | 404/3 Thomas Holt Dr North Ryde, New South Wales 2113 |
Glascott Landscape and Civil Pty Ltd | 97001281572 | 7-9 Orion Rd Lane Cove West, New South Wales 2066 |
Greater West Landscapes Pty Ltd | 44160584083 | 100 Martin Rd Badgerys Creek, New South Wales 2555 |
Growth Civil Landscapes Pty Ltd | 35601437003 | 60 Oak Rd Kirrawee, New South Wales 2232 |
Kane Constructions Pty Ltd | 49007354396 | 2 John St Waterloo, New South Wales 2017 |
88101054086 | 16 Distribution Pl Seven Hills, New South Wales 2147 |
NORTH SHORE PAVING CO PTY LTD | 66001021790 | Moore Ave Lindfield, New South Wales 2070 |
Regal Innovations Pty Ltd | 79002411814 | Park Rd Mulgrave, New South Wales 2756 |
Stephen Edwards Constructions Pty Ltd | 65001824139 | 140 Wicks Rd Macquarie Park, New South Wales 2113 |
TALLAI PROJECT GROUP PTY LTD | 59618362584 | suite 302b 22/28 Edgeworth David Ave Hornsby, New South Wales 2077 |
Provider | ABN/ACN | Address |
BETTA HOMES AND CONSTRUCTION PTY. LTD. | 64 627 148 298 | 302/160 Rowe St Eastwood, New South Wales 2122 Australia |
DK PTY LTD | 52 651 287 811 | 858 Castlereagh Rd Castlereagh, New South Wales 2749 Australia |
GLASCOTT LANDSCAPE AND CIVIL PTY LTD | 97 001 281 572 | 1/7-9 Orion Rd Lane Cove West, New South Wales 2066 Australia |
GPM MARINE CONSTRUCTIONS PTY LTD | 98 631 646 743 | 175 Lower Gibbes St Chatswood, New South Wales 2067 Australia |
GREEN CIVIL SERVICES PTY LTD | 98 635 767 672 | 29-31 Lexington Dr Bella Vista, New South Wales 2153 Australia |
KINGSLINE PTY LTD | 22 654 047 346 | 11 Success St Greenfield Park, New South Wales 2176 Australia |
LAMOND CONTRACTING PTY LTD | 69 120 111 686 | 120 Wilton Rd Wilton, New South Wales 2571 Australia |
LAND & MARINE OCEAN ENGINEERING PTY LTD | 39 099 768 564 | 8 Cowdroy Ave Cammeray, New South Wales 2062 Australia |
PERFECT REMEDIATION PTY LTD | 93 619 779 065 | 4/8 Lilian Fowler Pl Marrickville, New South Wales 2204 Australia |
THE TRUSTEE FOR POLARIS MARINE CONSTRUCTIONS TRUST NO. | 51 138 074 128 | 1 James Craig Rd Rozelle, New South Wales 2039 Australia |
WARDROPE AND CARROLL ENGINEERING PTY LTD | 73 096 923 527 | 82 Oak Rd Kirrawee, New South Wales 2232 Australia |
Provider | ABN/ACN | Address |
2020 Projects Pty Ltd | 35 114 198 140 | 275 Alfred St N North Sydney, New South Wales 2060 Australia |
Adonis Building & Maintenance Services Pty Ltd | 81 092 949 767 | 722 Pennant Hills Rd Carlingford, New South Wales 2118 Australia |
Boylson Pty Ltd | 67 623 067 014 | 14/7 Tucks Rd Seven Hills, New South Wales 2147 Australia |
Builders Anonymous Pty Ltd | 30 654 732 653 | 275 Goulburn St Surry Hills, New South Wales 2010 Australia |
CC Consulting Services (NSW) Pty Ltd | 17 154 130 622 | 57 Gallipoli St Condell Park, New South Wales 2200 Australia |
Coverit Building Group | 79 613 400 954 | unit 18/37-47 Borec Rd Penrith, New South Wales 2750 Australia |
CRANEBROOK CONSTRUCTIONS | 86 395 530 421 | 97-101 Taylor Rd Cranebrook, New South Wales 2749 Australia |
Dalski Pty Ltd | 11 107 119 442 | unit 1/26A Ralph St Alexandria, New South Wales 2015 Australia |
Metro Construction Group Pty Ltd | 24 615 039 364 | g7 / 218 Parramatta Rd Homebush, New South Wales 2140 Australia |
Modern Vision Contractors Pty Ltd | 44 150 251 264 | 4 Cunneen St Mulgrave, New South Wales 2756 Australia |
Progroup Management Pty Limited | 95 075 284 454 | 32 Delhi Rd North Ryde, New South Wales 2113 Australia |
Reld Group Pty Ltd | 31 623 218 397 | 32 Myall St Concord West, New South Wales 2138 Australia |
Rogers Construction Group | 56 615 190 157 | 605/5 Celebration Dr Bella Vista, New South Wales 2153 Australia |
Skyview Building Group Pty Limited | 87 105 187 102 | Saunders Rd Oakville, New South Wales 2765 Australia |
STRUCTEN PTY LTD | 74 606 635 018 | 247 Pebbly Hill Rd Cattai, New South Wales 2756 Australia |
Sudiro Constructions Pty Ltd | 17 002 039 330 | 37 / 1 Talavera Rd Macquarie Park, New South Wales 2113 Australia |
Vertex Group Australia Pty Ltd | 55 628 838 755 | 27A Dell St Woodpark, New South Wales 2164 Australia |
Westbury Constructions Pty Ltd | 53 155 351 518 | 16 Rob Pl Vineyard, New South Wales 2765 Australia |
Provider | ABN/ACN | Address |
ALL HILLS FENCING | 56 069 785 600 | 2 / 90 Toongabbie Rd Toongabbie, New South Wales 2146 |
B.M.D. Constructions Pty. Limited | 59 010 126 100 | Sandpiper Avenue, Port of Brisbane QLD 4178 |
Georgiou Group Pty Ltd | 82 073 851 948 | 68 Hasler Rd Osborne Park, Western Australia 6017 |
Seymour Whyte Constructions Pty Ltd | 48 105 493 187 | 12 Electronics St Eight Mile Plains, Queensland 4113 |
TJ Traffic Control Pty Ltd | 14 615 672 761 | 5 / 19 Resthaven Rd Bankstown, New South Wales 2200 |
Provider | ABN/ACN | Address |
Moir Landscape Architecture Pty Ltd | 48 097 558 908 | 88 Fern St Islington, New South Wales 2296 |
Taylor Brammer Landscape Architects Pty Limited | 098 724 988 | 218 Oxford St Bondi Junction, New South Wales 2022 |
Thompson Berrill Landscape Design Pty Ltd | 57 082 033 565 | Level 1/34 Belgrave St Manly, New South Wales 2095 |
Umbaco Landscape Architects Pty Ltd | 23 119 071 046 | 1 Bradly Ave Kirribilli, New South Wales 2060 |
Provider | ABN/ACN | Address |
Enigma Indigenous Peoples Pty Ltd | 52 623 122 458 | 7 / 252 Allambie Rd Allambie Heights, New South Wales 2100 |
PIONEER COMPUTERS | 29 141 070 662 | unit 2/9-11 Chaplin Dr Lane Cove West, New South Wales 2066 |
Platinum Technology Consulting Pty Ltd | 92 641 360 161 | g9/25 Solent Cct Baulkham Hills, New South Wales 2153 |
Secure Agility Pty Ltd | 13 146 261 529 | suite 204 lvl 2/11-15 Deane St Burwood, New South Wales 2134 |
The Trustee For Computers Now Unit Trust | 48 592 886 118 | 15/33 Maddox St Alexandria, New South Wales 2015 |
Provider | ABN/ACN | Address |
Elite Turf Projects Pty Ltd | 42 624 271 825 | 4 Harford St Jamisontown, New South Wales 2750 |
Flemming Group | 95 606 640 340 | 65 Cattai Rd Pitt Town, New South Wales 2756 |
Gilba Solutions Pty Ltd | 87 163 656 228 | 3 / 433 Maroubra Rd Maroubra, New South Wales 2035 |
GREEN OPTIONS PTY LIMITED | 59 002 456 797 | 30 Cranbrook St Botany, New South Wales 2019 |
Hawkesbury Valley Irrigation Pty Ltd | 76 003 211 265 | 1/52 Mileham St Windsor, New South Wales 2756 |
Lamond Contracting Pty Ltd | 69 120 111 686 | 120 Wilton Rd Wilton, New South Wales 2571 |
Marksmen Group Pty Ltd | 22 622 194 021 | Culverston Av Denham Court, New South Wales 2565 |
NEVERSTOP WATER GROUP | 57 150 185 345 | u10/32-34 Campbell Ave Cromer, New South Wales 2099 |
Romba Civil & Landscape | 49 004 015 490 | 100 Old Bathurst Rd Emu Heights, New South Wales 2750 |
SPORTS TURF SERVICES | 49 105 789 295 | 8 Ct Ave N Brightview, Queensland 4311 |
The Green Horticultural Group | 70 058 801 657 | 182 Annangrove Rd Annangrove, New South Wales 2156 |
Provider | ABN/ACN | Address |
Barker Ryan Stewart Pty Limited | 26 134 067 842 | 12 Century Cct Baulkham Hills, New South Wales 2153 |
Haskoning Australia Pty Limited | 66 153 656 252 | 99 Mount St North Sydney, New South Wales 2060 |
J. Wyndham Prince Pty Limited | 67 002 318 621 | 50 Belmore St Penrith, New South Wales 2750 |
Provider | ABN/ACN | Address |
Alpha Civil Group Pty Ltd | 86 651 291 182 | 29 Albyn St Bexley, New South Wales 2207 |
Mastercut Concrete Aust Pty. Ltd. | 78 081 500 610 | 84 Riverside Rd Chipping Norton, New South Wales 2170 |
Nsw Building And Civil Pty Ltd | 82 630 836 234 | 11 Loftus St Turrella, New South Wales 2205 |
Ripa Concrete Cutting Services | 76 117 132 117 | 6 Prince William Dr Seven Hills, New South Wales 2147 |
The Australian Grinding Company Pty. Ltd. | 83 099 352 762 | 2 Shore St W Ormiston, Queensland 4160 |
Provider | ABN/ACN | Address |
Brightly Software Australia Pty Ltd | 89 126 629 954 | 257 Collins St Melbourne, Victoria 3000 |
Civica Pty Limited | 83 003 691 718 | 277 William St Melbourne, Victoria 3000 |
Counterpart Solutions | 89 164 532 209 | Suite 202/480 St Kilda Rd Melbourne, Victoria 3004 |
Mastek Systems Pty. Ltd. | 22 615 406 221 | Level 26/44 Market St Sydney, New South Wales 2000 |
Technology One Limited | 84 010 487 180 | 540 Wickham St Fortitude Valley, Queensland 4006 |
Provider | ABN/ACN | Address |
ALL HILLS FENCING | 56 069 785 600 | 2 / 90 Toongabbie Rd Toongabbie, New South Wales 2146 |
Encat Pty. Limited | 76 050 541 207 | 4 Sirius Rd Bligh Park, New South Wales 2756 |
Metal Fencing Specialists Pty. Limited | 26 003 746 558 | 7 Kenoma Pl Arndell Park, New South Wales 2148 |
Northern Fencing Specialists Pty Limited | 24 136 855 939 | 44 Preston St Jamisontown, New South Wales 2750 |
SUMMIT FENCING | 89 126 822 286 | 92 Old Bathurst Rd Emu Heights, New South Wales 2750 |
Provider | ABN/ACN | Address |
Automation X Pty Ltd | 74 642 564 636 | 32 Goshawk Ave Marsden Park, New South Wales 2765 |
Ceridian Australia Pty Ltd | 43 611 427 206 | 459 Collins St Melbourne, Victoria 3000 |
Dxc Red Rock Pty Ltd | 59 081 356 425 | 360 Collins St Melbourne, Victoria 3000 |
Elmo Software Limited | 102 455 087 | Level 27/580 George St Sydney, New South Wales 2000 |
EPI-USE AUSTRALIA PTY LIMITED | 74 126 123 108 | 55 Southbank Blvd Southbank, Victoria 3006 |
Gulanga Group Pty Ltd | 59 606 954 992 | G10/50 Eastlake Parade Kingston, Australian Capital Territory 2604 |
Jobtoolz Pty Ltd | 94 668 840 775 | 260 Queen St Brisbane City, Queensland 4000 |
Mastek Systems Pty. Ltd. | 22 615 406 221 | Level 26/44 Market St Sydney, New South Wales 2000 |
PAGEUP PEOPLE LIMITED | 71 005 630 740 | 383 George St Sydney, New South Wales 2000 |
PINPOINT HRM PTY LTD | 94 108 602 973 | 450 Chapel St South Yarra, Victoria 3141 |
Pulse Software | 77 127 740 783 | 21/1 Talavera Rd Macquarie Park, New South Wales 2113 |
Technology One Limited | 84 010 487 180 | 540 Wickham St Fortitude Valley, Queensland 4006 |
Provider | ABN/ACN | Address |
Catchment Simulation Solutions Pty Ltd | 46 116 032 887 | 70 Phillip St Sydney, New South Wales 2000 |
J. Wyndham Prince Pty Limited | 67 002 318 621 | 50 Belmore St Penrith, New South Wales 2750 |
Worley Consulting Pty Ltd | 50 098 008 818 | 17/141 Walker St North Sydney, New South Wales 2060 |
Provider | ABN/ACN | Address |
APEX PLANNING & ENVIRONMENT LAW | 14 619 233 299 | 132 / 117 Old Pittwater Rd Brookvale NSW 2100 |
BILIAS & ASSOCIATES, SOLICITORS & BARRISTERS | 95 391 901 029 | 102/185 Elizabeth St Sydney NSW 2000 |
DENTONS AUSTRALIA LIMITED | 69 100 963 308 | 77 Castlereagh St Sydney NSW 2000 |
EVENTUS LAWYERS PTY LTD | 88 167 146 965 | Level 18/323 Castlereagh St Haymarket NSW 2000 |
G.N Beattie & J.N Ede & L.G Motta & S.H Patterson & C Rose | 61 849 174 739 | Level 9/60 York St Sydney NSW 2000 |
HOLDING REDLICH | 15 364 527 724 | 555 Bourke St Melbourne VIC 3000 |
HWL Ebsworth Lawyers | 37 246 549 189 | 264 George St Sydney NSW 2000 |
Keystone Lawyers Pty Limited | 16 140 733 660 | 86 Darby St Cooks Hill NSW 2300 |
Maddocks | 63 478 951 337 | 123 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 |
Marsdens Legal | 59 874 202 316 | 49 Dumaresq St Campbelltown NSW 2560 |
Moray & Agnew (Newcastle) | 35 262 692 173 | Level 2/45 Watt St Newcastle NSW 2300 |
PIKES & VEREKERS LAWYERS | 77 357 538 421 | Level 2/50 King St Sydney NSW 2000 |
R.K Arnold & G Dowd & A Macvean & S.P Morgan & J.S Morvell & K.J Stallard & E Woolley | 58 041 376 985 | Level 11/525 Collins St Melbourne VIC 3000 |
Redenbach Australia Pty Ltd | 74 673 618 427 | Level 29/2 Chifley Square Sydney NSW 2000 |
Shaw Reynolds Lawyers Pty Ltd | 77 159 046 036 | u76/88 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 |
Sparke Helmore Lawyers | 78 848 387 938 | 28 Honeysuckle Dr Newcastle NSW 2300 |
Yimba Legal & Consulting | 59 633 773 207 | 66 O'Brien St Bondi Beach NSW 2026 |
Provider | ABN/ACN | Address |
Acron Building Services Pty Limited | 49 096 165 632 | 7 / 20 Tucks Road Seven Hills NSW 2147 |
Chips Property Trade Services | 81 149 295 349 | 1/442 Victoria Street Wetherill Park NSW 2164 |
Sudiro Constructions Pty Ltd | 17 002 039 330 | 37 / 1 Talavera Road Macquarie Park NSW 2113 |
Coverit Building Group | 79 613 400 954 | Unit 18/37-47 Borec Road Penrith NSW 2750 |
Rogers Construction Group | 56 615 190 157 | 605/5 Celebration Drive Bella Vista NSW 2153 |
Westbury Constructions Pty Ltd | 53 155 351 518 | 16 Rob Place Vineyard NSW 2765 |
PROGROUP MANAGEMENT PTY LIMITED | 95 075 284 454 | 32 Delhi Road North Ryde NSW 2113 |
Sudiro Constructions Pty Ltd | 17 002 039 330 | 37 / 1 Talavera Road Macquarie Park NSW 2113 |
Provider | ABN/ACN | Address |
Rma Contracting Pty Ltd | 28092116704 | 12/6-20 Braidwood Street Strathfield South NSW 2136 |
Beasy Pty Ltd | 58110959549 | 16 Orchardleigh Street Yennora NSW 2161 |
Budget Demolition & Excavation Pty Ltd | 42084229872 | 84 Victoria Street Smithfield NSW 2164 |
Provider | ABN/ACN | Address |
Allstaff Australia Pty Limited | 36 077 128 511 | Unit 3/377 Newbridge Rd Moorebank, New South Wales 2170 |
Anzuk Education Services Pty Ltd | 19 123 730 521 | 83-97 Kippax St Surry Hills, New South Wales 2010 |
Australian Training Works | 14 646 861 449 | 12A Aplin St Cairns City, Queensland 4870 |
Collar Talent Group Pty Ltd | 16 624 279 009 | 1 Market St Sydney, New South Wales 2000 |
Comensura Pty Limited | 30 120 725 902 | Level 14/309 Kent St Sydney, New South Wales 2000 |
COMPLETE STAFF SOLUTIONS | 34 097 574 171 | 12 Tyrrell St Wallsend, New South Wales 2287 |
Expect A Star Services Pty Ltd | 75 165 057 410 | 1 Marshall Ave St Leonards, New South Wales 2065 |
MBC Recruitment | 20 112 866 001 | Horton St Port Macquarie, New South Wales 2444 |
MCARTHUR (NSW) PTY LTD | 26 078 078 298 | 76 Berry St North Sydney, New South Wales 2060 |
Pulse Staffing Australia Pty Ltd | 35 088 197 237 | Level 11/20 Martin Pl Sydney, New South Wales 2000 |
Randstad Pty Limited | 28 080 275 378 | Level 9/83 Clarence St Sydney, New South Wales 2000 |
SYNERGY PEOPLE | 98 107 527 748 | Suite 110/1 Centennial Dr Campbelltown, New South Wales 2560 |
TALENT QUARTER GROUP | 90 135 301 727 | 95 Pitt St Sydney, New South Wales 2000 |
Provider | ABN/ACN | Address |
Masport Pty. Ltd. | 30 169 713 179 | 16 Hinchinbrook Drive Hinchinbrook NSW 2168 |
Provider | ABN/ACN | Addresss |
Ulverscroft Australia Pty Ltd | 46055644105 | 10 Chandos Street St Leonards NSW 2065 |
Sydney Books Online | 21334189465 | 2 Watkin Avenue Earlwood NSW 2206 |
Lote Libraries Direct Pty Ltd | 83154695191 | Suite 5/481-483 Parramatta Road Leichhardt NSW 2040 |
QBD Books | 54614038765 | 30 Enterprise Street Richlands QLD 4077 |
James Bennett Pty Ltd | 17000465127 | 114 Old Pittwater Road Brookvale NSW 2100 |
Aussie Global Books Pty Ltd | 71150619195 | 10 Clematis Crescent Wyndham Vale VIC 3024 |
James Henry Williams | 76048485891 | 30 Smith Street Walkerville SA 5081 |
Abbey's Bookshops Pty Limited | 86000650975 | 131 York Street Sydney NSW 2000 |
Library Av & Large Print Pty Limited | 51113092167 | Suite 1 / 70 Lovell Road Eastwood NSW 2122 |
Caval Limited | 47005498251 | 4 Park Drive Bundoora VIC 3083 |
MDM Entertainment Pty Ltd | 12132011977 | 34-36 Abel Street Jamisontown NSW 2750 |
Wavesound Pty Ltd | 43134500879 | Smith Street Chatswood NSW 2067 |
Dymocks Pty Ltd | 64074571083 | 424 George Street Sydney NSW 2000 |
Keith Ainsworth Pty Ltd | 44000953748 | 34-36 Abel Street Jamisontown NSW 2750 |
The Book House | 33074318602 | Unit 11/3 Traders Lane Noosaville QLD 4566 |
The Lugton Family Trust | 56013670284 | 48-50 Commercial Drive Shailer Park QLD 4128 |
Sound Text Media Pty. Ltd. | 56089839207 | 11 / 4 Commercial Court Tullamarine VIC 3043 |
Bolinda Publishing Pty. Ltd. | 87006510461 | 17 Mohr Street Tullamarine VIC 3043 |
Provider | ABN/ACN | Address |
Arcadia Landscape Architecture Pty Ltd | 83 148 994 870 | Suite 70, 26-32 Pirrama Road, Pyrmont NSW 2009 |
Architectus Australia Pty Ltd | 90 131 245 684 | Architectus Melbourne Level 25 385 Bourke Street Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia |
GroupGSA Pty Ltd | 76 002 113 779 | Level 7/80 William St, East Sydney NSW 2011 |
JMD Design | 30 128 554 638 | 190 James Street, REDFERN, NSW, 2016 |
Land and Form Studios | 14 426 681 039 | 10 Boronia Street, Redfern NSW 2016 |
Mode Design Corp. Pty Ltd | 65 112 807 931 | 826 Ann St Fortitude Valley, Queensland 4006 Australia |
Moir Landscape Architecture Pty Ltd | 48 097 558 908 | Suite 4B, 250 Pacific Highway, Charlestown NSW 2290 |
OCULUS Landscape Architecture Urban Design and Environmental Planning Pty Ltd | 34 074 882 447 | Level 1, 5 Wilson Street, Newtown NSW 2042 |
JC Marler and DR Phillips trading as Phillips Marler | 43 353 412 187 | Suite 203, 27 Abercrombie Street Chippendale NSW 2008 |
Place Design Group | 49 082 370 063 | Level 4/10 James Street, Waterloo, NSW |
Stantec Australia Pty Ltd | 17 007 820 322 | Level 22, 570 Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000 |
Taylor Brammer Landscape Architects Pty Ltd | 61 098 724 988 | 218 Oxford Street, Woollahra NSW 2025 |
Provider | ABN/ACN | Address |
AECOM Australia Pty Ltd | 20093846925 | 540 Wickham St Fortitude Valley 4006 |
App Corporation Pty Limited | 29003764770 | 10 Spring St Sydney 2000 |
AT&L | 96130882405 | level 7/153 Walker St North Sydney 2060 |
Axia Engineering Pty Ltd | 14635565114 | 7-9 Irvine Pl Bella Vista 2153 |
Donald Cant Watts Corke (Nsw) Pty Ltd | 17097689131 | level 7/207 Kent St Sydney 2000 |
Ikigai Contractors Pty Ltd | 66639861279 | 3 Sunrise Ave Terrigal 2260 |
Lcg Global Pty Ltd | 93635745710 | suite 106 / 345 Pacific Hwy Lindfield 2070 |
Orion Consulting Engineers Pty Ltd | 25604069981 | 12 Century Cct Baulkham Hills 2153 |
PREMISE AUSTRALIA PTY LTD | 82620885832 | level 11/300 Adelaide St Brisbane City 4000 |
Professional Engineering Service Pty. Limited | 27057633897 | 53 Rose Ave Wheeler Heights 2097 |
Professional Engineering Service Pty. Limited | 27057633897 | 53 Rose Ave Wheeler Heights 2097 |
Smec Australia Pty. Limited | 47065475149 | level 6/480 St Pauls Terrace Fortitude Valley 4006 |
Strategic Solutions Group Pty Ltd | 45673805105 | 124 Walker St North Sydney 2060 |
WESTERN PROJECT SERVICES | 50096399370 | 233 Stewart St Bathurst 2795 |
Provider | ABN/ACN | Address |
Rma Contracting Pty Ltd | 28 092 116 704 | 12/6-20 Braidwood St Strathfield South NSW 2136 |
Absolute Environmental Services Pty. Ltd. | 12 113 947 827 | 49-51 Mitchell Rd Brookvale NSW 2100 |
Empire Contracting Pty Ltd | 99 124 341 215 | 7/24 Anzac Ave Smeaton Grange NSW 2567 |
Beasy Pty Ltd | 58 110 959 549 | 16 Orchardleigh St Yennora NSW 2161 |
ENVIROPACIFIC SERVICES LIMITED | 43 111 372 064 | 123 Epping Rd North Ryde NSW 2113 |
Rare Environmental Pty Ltd | 41 617 855 017 | 110 / 117 Old Pittwater Rd Brookvale NSW 2100 |
Ade Consulting Group Pty Ltd | 14 617 358 808 | 6 / 7 Millennium Ct Silverwater NSW 2128 |
Integrated Environmental Pty. Ltd. | 14 169 255 841 | 351 Londonderry Rd Londonderry NSW 2753 |
Mack Civil Pty Limited | 94 163 885 943 | 5 / 111 Boundary Rd Peakhurst NSW 2210 |
Insite Remediation Services Unit Trust | 83 705 183 104 | 3 Box Rd Caringbah NSW 2229 |
Provider | ABN/ACN | Address |
GHD Pty Ltd | 39 008 488 373 | Level 7, 16 Marcus Clarke St, Canberra City ACT 2601 |
Knights and McAuley Pty Ltd | 74 150 914 800 | 104/27 Abercrombie St Chippendale NSW 2008 |
Provider | ABN/ACN | Address |
RMA Contracting Pty Ltd | 28 092 116 704 | 6-20 Braidwood Street Strathfield South NSW 2136 |
Civilscape | 18 623 204 062 | 13u/175 Lower Gibbes St Roseville NSW 2069 |
Summit Open Space Services | 83 055 140 424 | 23 Sterling Rd Minchinbury NSW 2770 |
Perfection Landscape Services | 77 096 353 294 | 7 Tucks Rd Seven Hills NSW 2147 |
BETTER VIEW LANDSCAPES PTY LTD | 63 144 714 643 | a1 / 35-39 Bourke Rd Alexandria NSW 2015 |
Arenco (NSW) Daracon Contractors JV | 47 210 089 967 | 20 Kullara Close Beresfield NSW 2322 |
ANR ENGINEERING PTY LTD | 47 640 156 752 | 10/33 Elizabeth St Wetherill Park NSW 2164 |
ROMBA CIVIL AND LANDSCAPE | 49 004 015 490 | Unit 3, 100 Old Bathurst rd Emu Plains NSW 2750 |
Budget Demolition & Excavation Pty Ltd | 42 084 229 872 | 84 Victoria St Smithfield NSW 2164 |
KINGSLINE PTY LTD | 22 654 047 346 | 11 Success St Greenfield Park NSW 2176 |
Provider | ABN/ACN | Address |
D & D GROUP (NSW) PTY LTD | 16 639 828 676 | 124 Grace Cres Kellyville NSW 2155 |
124 Grace Cres Kellyville NSW 2155 | 81 630 294 398 | 5-7 Malta St Fairfield East NSW 2165 |
Provider | ABN/ACN | Address |
SUREGREEN PTY LIMITED | 23 640 583 973 | 26-32 Abel St Jamisontown NSW 2750 |
The Green Horticultural Group | 70 058 801 657 | 182 Annangrove Road Annangrove NSW 2156 |
Summit Open Space Services | 83 055 140 424 | 23 Sterling Rd Minchinbury NSW 2770 |
Provider | ABN/ACN | Address |
RFT23/24-005 Booking and Venue Management | 64 626 121 953 | Chiswick Park Greater London W4, Lancashire United Kingdom |
Attekus | 42 857 082 015 | level 13 suite 1a/465 Victoria Ave Chatswood |
PerfectMind | 23 104 429 923 | level 3/520 Bourke St Melbourne VIC 3000 |
Zipporah (Aus) Pty Ltd | 608911217 | Farrer Place Sydney NSW 2000 |
Provider | ABN/ACN | Address |
A & C PLANT HIRE PTY LIMITED | 17 141 836 080 | 74 Herbert St Kemps Creek NSW 2178 |
SITEX RENTALS & SALES - Excavator/Dump truck hire | 62 118 398 985 | 152 Hartley Rd Smeaton Grange NSW 2567 |
TDK Vac Truck Services | 70 622 617 547 | 106 Bridge St Picton NSW 2571 |
Hunt's Heavy Metal | 93 618 260 218 | 458-470 High St Penrith NSW 2750 |
Solution Plant Hire Pty Limited | 99 152 528 491 | 16 Laverick Ave Tomago NSW 2322 |
RPM HIRE AUSTRALIA PTY LTD | 30 619 873 504 | 12 Toohey Rd Wetherill Park NSW 2164 |
THE STABILISING PTY LTD | 34 633 525 229 | 2 / 7 Keith Ln Fannie Bay NT 0820 |
TFH Hire Services Pty Ltd | 30 063 810 679 | 8-14 Eurora St Kingston QLD 4114 |
Online Pipe and Cable Locating Pty Ltd | 26 091 094 923 | 6/16 Rob Place Vineyard NSW 2765 |
TUTT BRYANT HIRE PTY LTD | 59 087 847 489 | 60 Tyrone Pl Erskine Park NSW 2759 |
ON COUNTRY HIRE | 55 639 337 527 | 3-5 Exell St Banksmeadow NSW 2019 |
Sherrin Rentals Pty Ltd | 52 074 173 756 | 63 Main Beach Rd Pinkenba QLD 4008 |
Rent A Fence Pty Ltd | 18 396 900 781 | 12-14 Eurora Street Kingston QLD 4114 |
UP HIRE PTY LTD | 39 159 148 320 | 81-85 Christie St St Marys NSW 2760 |
Mack Civil Pty Ltd | 94 163 885 943 | 5 Stanley Street Peakhurst NSW 2210 |
ROADWORX SURFACING | 41 080 594 145 | 56 Marley Place Unanderra NSW 2526 |
ON RAIL INDUSTRIES PTY LTD | 31 127 078 380 | 26 Princes St Riverstone NSW 2765 |
CAMDEN HIRE PTY. LIMITED | 61 351 659 098 | 66-70 Lasso Rd Gregory Hills NSW 2557 |
BROOKS HIRE SERVICE PTY LTD | 20 008 975 988 | 30 Coulson Way Canning Vale WA 6155 |
SHORE HIRE PTY LIMITED | 54 129 593 102 | 354 Edgar St Condell Park NSW 2200 |
Velcorp Heavy Haulage | 91 090 916 626 | 209 Kingswood Rd Orchard Hills NSW 2748 |
PremiAir Hire | 31 074 651 951 | 26 Clay Place Eastern Creek NSW 2766 |
ALLCOTT HIRE PTY LTD | 38 003 418 988 | 26b/1 Maitland Pl Baulkham Hills NSW 2153 |
ALLARD'S PLANT HIRE PTY. LTD. | 37 003 717 815 | 1/4 Dell Rd West Gosford NSW 2250 |
Kennards Hire Pty Ltd | 69 001 740 727 | Unit 1, Building I, 22 Powers Road Seven Hills NSW 2147 |
Liteman Australia Pty Ltd | 51 141 825 756 | 5 Coventry Pl Mount Druitt NSW 2770 |
PIPE MANAGEMENT AUSTRALIA PTY LTD | 14 145 894 695 | 47 Lancaster St Ingleburn NSW 2565 |
Orange Hire | 97 133 373 154 | 13 - 15 Penelope Crescent Arndell Park NSW 2148 |
A-Civil Contracting pty Ltd | 48 167 616 159 | 93 Eastwood Rd Leppington NSW 2179 |
Renobuild Constructions | 94 095 126 140 | 49 Apache Rd Bossley Park NSW 2176 |
E & B TIPPER HIRE PTY LIMITED | 61 118 228 881 | 235 Willowdene Ave Luddenham NSW 2745 |
ONSITE RENTAL GROUP OPERATIONS PTY LTD | 74 126 102 485 | 7 Greg Chappell Dr Burleigh Heads QLD 4220 |
CONPLANT PTY LTD | 15 000 373 151 | 25 York Road Ingleburn NSW 2565 |
Summit Open Space Services | 83 055 140 424 | 23 Sterling Rd Minchinbury NSW 2770 |
Total Drain Cleaning Services Pty Ltd | 17 130 467 346 | 6 Sleigh Pl Wetherill Park NSW 2164 |
RSEA HIRE | 91 094 385 430 | 472 Victoria St Wetherill Park NSW 2164 |
Raygal Pty Ltd | 53 092 655 984 | 71-81 Cranebrook Road Cranebrook NSW 2749 |
Australian Hammer Supplies Hire Pty Limited | 70 143 092 228 | 32 Williamson Rd Ingleburn NSW 2565 |
Coates Hire Operations | 99 074 126 971 | 6 Greenhills Ave Moorebank NSW 2170 |
Aqua Assets Pty Ltd | 32 075 144 419 | 12 Nelson Ave Padstow NSW 2211 |
EXCEL PLANT HIRE PTY LTD | 60 127 317 444 | 5 Squill Pl Arndell Park NSW 2148 |
Sydneywide Environmental Services Pty Ltd | 91 074 651 826 | 40 Edward St Riverstone NSW 2765 |
AZBUILD PTY LIMITED | 80 089 795 639 | 315 Coobah Rd East Kurrajong NSW 2758 |
1800 BUGGIES | 27 438 561 503 | 30 Simcock St Somerville VIC 3912 |
AUSHIRES EQUIPMENT PTY LTD | 67 606 788 541 | 1 / 45 Powers Rd Seven Hills NSW 2147 |
Provider | ABN/ACN | Address |
Inspire 360 Australia | 77 429 668 802 | 8 Balcombe Ct Donvale VIC 3111 |
Xinc Engineering | 90 633 473 257 | 13 Atkinson Rd Taren Point NSW 2229 |
Grillex Pty Ltd | 46 129 480 977 | 55 Commercial St Kensington QLD 4670 |
ASTRA STREET FURNITURE | 74 114 414 185 | 3 Jamieson Pl Glendenning NSW 2761 |
Street Furniture Australia | 46 070 910 100 | Building N6, 361 Park Road Regents Park NSW 2143 |
Stoddart Town & Parkk | 16 009 690 251 | 39 Forest Way Karawatha QLD 4117 |
EP Draffin Manufacturing Pty Ltd | 23 004 377 913 | 9 Edelmaier St Bayswater VIC 3153 |
STRABE GROUP PTY LTD | 22 627 699 763 | 105 Bennu Cct Thurgoona NSW 2640 |
Provider |
Address |
VERSABUILD PTY LIMITED | 24091667659 | |
STRUCTEN PTY LTD | 74606635018 | 21 Greenview Drive Moorebank NSW 2170 Australia |
BUILDPARK HOMES PTY LTD | 83076367381 | |
2020 PROJECTS PTY LTD t/a 2020 Projects (2020 Projects) | 35114198140 | L14, 275 Alfred Street NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060 Australia |
Westbury Constructions Pty Ltd (Head Office) | 53155351518 | Unit 601, 5 Celebration Drive Bella Vista NSW 2153 Australia |
CRANEBROOK CONSTRUCTIONS | 86395530421 | 97 Taylor Road Cranebrook NSW 2749 Australia |
RFT2223-031 Jordan Springs Lake - Decking Replacement
Wednesday 15 March 2023
Provider |
Address |
32 648 263 629 |
8 Jindalee St, Gledswood Hills 2557, New South Wales |
49 154 302 539 |
24 Springs Rd, Spring Farm 2570, New South Wales |
FROSTBUILT PTY LTD | 29 656 185 858 | 4 Budin Rd, Kenthurst 2156, New South Wales |
GEGE CONSTRUCTIONS PTY LTD | 46 617 201 779 | Mill Rd, Liverpool 2170, New South Wales |
HDSA GROUP | 41 133 822 474 | 141 Hartley Rd, Smeaton Grange 2567, New South Wales |
SWF CONSTRUCTION GROUP PTY LTD | 43 601 100 494 | 5/65 Alexander Ave, Taren Point 2229, New South Wales |
WARDROPE & CARROLL ENGINEERING | 73 096 923 527 | 82 Oak Road, Kirrawee 2232, New South Wales |
RFT22/23-025 Steel Reinforcement Mesh Bars & Associated Products
Wednesday 8 March 2023
Provider |
Address |
RAYGAL | 53092655984 | 29 Barry road Kellyville NSW Australia |
RFT22/23-029 - Bush Regeneration Services and Associated Works
Wednesday 1 March 2023
Provider |
Address |
BLUE TONGUE ECO-SYSTEMS PTY LTD ATF REYNOLDS FAMILY TRUST | 20814532556 | 182 Upper Colo Rd Colo New South Wales 2756 |
Total Earth Care | 14 043 484 770 | Unit 5 1 Vuko Place Warriewood NSW 2102 |
ECOHORT PTY LTD | 40 107 405 934 | 40 Bannerman Road Glenhaven New South Wales 2156 |
AUSTRALIAN FACILITIES LANDSCAPES PTY LTD (Newcastle Office) | 51601736850 | |
Bunya Native Nursery | 75 151 856 030 | 4 Railway Avenue Eastwood NSW 2122 |
Summit Open Space Services (Company) | 83 055 140 424 | 23 Sterling Road Minchinbury NSW 2770 |
NACE CIVIL ENGINEERING PTY. LIMITED t/a NACE | 88065010291 | 90 Jedda Road Prestons NSW 2170 |
Team: |
BUSHY LANDSCAPES | 73625872157 | |
TOOLIJOOA BUSH REGENERATION | 64 095 536 388 | Unit 1/26-30 Tepko Road Terrey Hills NSW 1660 |
The Bush Doctor (NSW) Pty Ltd | 80 104 769 191 | 18A Lalor Drive Springwood NSW 2777 |
RFT 22/23-011 - Great Western Highway Railway Bridge - Protection Screen Works Tender Opening Response List
Wednesday 25 January 2023
Provider |
CERTUS PROJECTS PTY LTD t/a Certus Projects | 33625156747 | Level 3, 10 King Street Rockdale NSW 2216 Australia |
RKR ENGINEERING PTY LTD t/a RKR Engineering | 74052053031 | Unit 3, 10 Johnston Crescent Horsley PaRK NSW 2175 Australia |
METWEST ENGINEERING PTY LIMITED t/a Metwest Engineering (Metwest Sales Team) | 85 068 615 690 | 18 Lee Holm Rd St Marys NSW 2760 Australia |
RFT22/23-019 Plumbing Trades Tender Opening Response List
Tuesday 13 December 2022
Provider | ABN/ACN | Address |
UNITED CONTRACTING PTY LTD | 430546527 | 39 Chamberlain Ave. CARINGBAH NSW 2233 Australia |
NEVER STOP WATER PTY. LTD. (never stop water PTY LTD) | ||
RUPS PTY LTD | 61288661300 | P O Box 280 Five Dock NSW 2038 Australia |
Franklin's Plumbing Services t/a Franklins Plumbing Services Pty Ltd | 427992111 | Unit 6/103 Kurrajong Avenue Mount Druitt NSW 2770 Australia |
Laser Plumbing Picton (Head Office) | ||
CHIPS PROPERTY TRADE SERVICES | 61478315420 | 33 Daking Street North Parramatta NSW 2151 Australia |
HIX GROUP PTY LIMITED (Compliance) | 247217500 | Unit 1, 10 Production Place Penrith NSW 2750 Australia |
Cushman & Wakefield (IFM Client Solutions Australia) | ||
B & G ENTERPRISES (NSW) PTY LIMITED | 410649055 | 14 Altair Place Penrith NSW 2750 Australia |
CRG Plumbing & Maintenance t/a CRG Plumbing & Maintenance Pty Ltd | 427885711 | N2 5-7 HEPHER RD CAMPBELLTOWN NSW 2560 Australia |
RFT22/23-017 Building Maintenance and Minor Construction Works
Thursday, 27 October 2022
Provider | ABN/ACN | Address |
CAM MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS t/a Camms (Camms APAC) | 80101710534 | Level 10, 520 Collins Street Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia |
GovernmentFrameworks.com inc. t/a GovernmentFrameworks.com | 75827679459 | 7219-112 Street NW ALBERTA T6G 1J4 CANADA |
Gravity Consulting Services Pty Ltd (Canberra) | 18123146501 | level 6/15 London Cct Canberra ACT 2601 Australia |
HUMMINGBIRD SOLUTIONS PTY LIMITED t/a Hummingbird | 93639475899 | 223 Liverpool Street Darlinghurst Sydney NSW 2010 Australia |
INNOVER SOLUTIONS PTY LTD | 57634974066 | Suite 1 Level 1, 181 Macquarie Street Parramatta NSW 2150 Australia |
L G SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS PTY LTD | 77127740783 | Unit 21 1 Talavera Road MACQUARIE PARK New South Wales 2113 Australia |
Sensei Project Solutions | 34610828656 | Level 3, 431 King William Street Adelaide South Australia 5000 Australia |
TECKONNECT PTY LTD (NSW and QLD) | 48651291459 | 25, BIYUNG ST Fletcher NSW 2287 Australia |
The Project Bureau (HQ Office) | 80131529587 | 5/59 Tennant Street Fyshwick ACT 2609 Australia |
The trustee for EPM Partners Unit Trust | 30644699307 | L6 50 Margaret Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia |
Tridant Pty Ltd | 63125310634 | Level 12 25 Bligh St Sydney NSW 2000 Australia |
UNIPHI (AUS) PTY LTD t/a UniPhi | 45163737871 | Suite 3.02 Level 3 St Martins Tower 31 Market St Sydney Sydney NSW 2000 Australia |
RFT22/23-017 Building Maintenance and Minor Construction Works
Wednesday, 26 October 2022
Provider | ABN/ACN | Address |
BETHEL DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION PTY LTD (Bethel) | 87 166 784 907 | |
COVERIT BUILDING GROUP PTY LTD | 79 613 400 954 | unit 18 37-47 Borec rd Penrith NSW 2749 Australia |
ACRON BUILDING SERVICES PTY LIMITED | 49 096 165 632 | 18/20 tucks rd seven hills NSW Australia |
Maincom Group | ||
BD COMMERCIAL BUILDING SERVICES t/a BD Building Services | 48 155 594 139 | 65 Coronato Parade Colebee New South WLS 2761 Australia |
CDC BUILDING PTY. LTD. t/a CDC Building | 67 615 116 928 | 15 Knox street ST MARYS NSW 2760 Australia |
RMA | 28 092 116 704 | 12/6-20 Braidwood Street Strathfield South NSW 2136 Australia |
BUILDPARK HOMES PTY LTD | 83 076 367 381 | |
DALSKI PTY LTD | 11 107 119 442 | 743-745 The Horsley Dr, Smithfield NSW Smithfield NSW 2164 Australia |
Westbury Constructions Pty Ltd (Head Office) | 53 155 351 518 | Unit 601, 5 Celebration Drive Bella Vista NSW 2153 Australia |
SUDIRO CONSTRUCTIONS PTY LTD (Macquarie Park Office) | 17 002 039 330 | Unit 37, 1 Talavera Road Macquarie Park NSW 2113 Australia |
ROGERS CONSTRUCTION GROUP PTY LTD | 56 615 190 157 | 3/74 Edward Street Riverstone NSW 2765 Australia |
2020 PROJECTS PTY LTD t/a 2020 Projects (2020 Projects) | 35 114 198 140 | L14, 275 Alfred Street NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060 Australia |
RELD GROUP PTY LTD | 31 623 218 397 | |
CHIPS PROPERTY TRADE SERVICES | 81 149 295 349 | 33 Daking Street North Parramatta NSW 2151 Australia |
RFT22/23-009 Supply of Uniforms
Wednesday, 26 October 2022
Provider | ABN/ACN | Address |
The Trustee for Andrew Zacks Family Trust | 77 969 237 995 | |
LOOK SMART UNIFORMS PTY LTD | 50 636 242 478 | |
BRANDWORX AUSTRALIA (Office) | 65 002 447 850 | 61 Five Islands Road Port Kembla NSW 2505 Australia |
HALLMARK SPORTS PTY LTD | 69 641 292 471 | |
BL SAFETY AND WORKWEAR PTY LTD (Sales Team) | 74 657 663 495 |
RFT22/23-10 Asbestos Consultancy
Wednesday, 7 September 2022
Provider | ABN/ACN | Address |
ADE CONSULTING GROUP PTY LTD | 14617358808 | 6/7 Millenium Ct, Silverwater NSW 2128 |
CSH CONSULTING PTY LTD | 60147056782 | 3 PASS AVENUE Pass Avenue THIRROUL NSW 2515 Australia |
Getex Pty Limited |
99 116 287 471 | Suite 2.02, Building 2, 35 Waterloo Road Macquarie Park NSW 2113 Australia |
HIBBS & ASSOCIATES PTY LIMITED | 12 608 093 134 | Suite B 255 Rawson Street Auburn NSW 2144 Australia |
INTEGRATED ENVIRONMENTAL PTY. LTD. | 14 169 255 841 | 351 Londonderry Road Londonderry New South Wales 2753 Australia |
JBS&G AUSTRALIA PTY LTD | 62 100 220 479 | Level 1 50 Margaret Street Sydney NSW Australia |
JMB ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING PTY LTD | 92168286600 | Unit 15/77-79 Bourke Road Alexandria, NSW 2015 |
JTA HEALTH SAFETY & NOISE SPECIALISTS PTY LTD | 78007071383 | 139 Ormond Road Elwood Vic 3184 Australia |
RED OHMS GROUP PTY LTD | 54169227276 | 9 Richardson Street West Perth, WA 6005 |
Prensa Pty Ltd | 12 142 106 581 | GF, 5 Burwood Road Hawthorn Victoria 3122 Australia |
PROPERTY RISK AUSTRALIA PTY LTD | 65611579223 | Level 1, Unit 24/34-36 Ralph Street Alexandria NSW 2015 Australia |
SYDNEY ENVIRONMENTAL GROUP PTY LTD | 14 631 026 214 | PO Box A1420 Sydney South 1235 Australia |
TETRA TECH COFFEY PTY LTD | 55139460521 | Citadel Tower, Level 19, Tower B/799 Pacific Hwy, Chatswood NSW 2067 |
The Trustee for Trace Environmental Unit Trust | 74978484122 | Shop 2/793/799 New Canterbury Road Dulwich Hill, NSW 2203 |
TRINITAS GROUP PTY LTD | 12161759708 | Suite 101, 24 Hunter Street Parramatta NSW 2150 Australia |
WORK SCIENCE PTY LTD | 49118332880 | Level 6/321 Pitt Street Sydney, NSW 2000 |
RFT22/23-04 Boronia Park Upgrade
Wednesday, 31 August 2022
Provider | ABN/ACN | Address |
COVERIT BUILDING GROUP PTY LTD | 79613400954 | Unit 18 37/47 Borec Road Penrith NSW 2749 |