Info hub for Seniors
- Details
- Written by: Adam Gatt Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

Penrith Seniors Festival
Are you aged 50 or over? Our City’s senior residents are invited to come along and celebrate the annual NSW Seniors Festival in Penrith. The theme for 2024 is "Reach Beyond", and in honour of this, there are several activities and events available for the community to enjoy for free. Click here to view the festival's event program webpage.
Community care services and carers support
Help at Home Services (Community Aged Care): 1800 200 422
Community aged care services can support you in your home, including with shopping, housework, cooking, gardening and getting to your doctor or other appointments as well as modifying your home to improve safety and ease of movement. They can also provide personal care, including helping clients to bathe, dress, and get in and out of bed. There are two types of programs services depending on your care needs:
- Entry-level care - If you are able to manage with most things, but need support with a few tasks, you could be eligible for subsidised services through the Commonwealth Home Support Programme. Read more about the Commonwealth Home Support Programme.
- Home Care Packages - If you need more significant care and support services on an ongoing basis, you could be eligible for a Home Care Package. Read more about Home Care Packages.
The Australian Government subsidises the cost of these services. The cost depends on the services you need and, in some cases, your financial situation. If find out more about these services and how to access them call My Aged Care (free call) 1800 200 422 or go to
Translating and Interpreting Services (TIS): 131 450
If you speak a language other than English you can phone the Translating and Interpreting Services (TIS) to help you speak to My Aged Care. You can call My Aged Care first and they will organise an interpreter for you or call TIS first and then asked to be transferred to My Aged Care.
Aged Care Navigator Hub: Support to navigate aged care services: 0438 431 817
COTA NSW’s Aged Care Navigator Hub can help you understand or access the aged care system and has up to date information on current service arrangements. Telephone support is available Tuesday to Thursday from 9am to 4.30pm.
National Dementia Helpline: 1800 100 500
A free and confidential service where you can chat with caring and experienced professionals about dementia and memory loss concerns for yourself or others. You will also receive information on how to reduce the risks of getting dementia and the services available to you, including any support available in your area. For more information go to
Carer Gateway: 1800 422 737
The Carer Gateway is a national online and phone service, providing practical information and resources to support people who are caring for others. If you are a carer you may have certain legal rights, and you might be able to access support services to help you in your caring role. Find out more at
Carers NSW: 9280 4744
Carers NSW is the peak organisation for carers in NSW, it has an exclusive focus on supporting and advocating for carers. To find out more go to
Carer Payments: 13 2717
You may be eligible for a Carer Payment or Carer Allowance. If you are getting a Centrelink payment you may also be able to receive some extra assistance, depending on your payment and circumstances.
Staying connected
Operations for the following services may have changed due to COVID-19 restrictions. Please contact the service directly for advice.
Local Neighbour Facilities
Neighbourhood Centres and Community Hubs provide a meeting place for residents to build and connect with a community. You can find a full list of centres here. For information on the activities available at the venues below, please call Council’s Neighbourhood Facilities team on 4732 8021.
Penrith Seniors Centre
The Penrith Seniors Centre is run by volunteers and proudly supported by Penrith Council. It hosts a variety of activities aimed at over 55s, such as dance clubs, bridge clubs and computing clubs. You’re welcome to drop in and use the payphone, toilet facilities and rest in the air-conditioned foyer during opening hours.
Call the Centre on 4721 0609 for more information on activities or see more information on the Halls & Community Centres page.
St Marys Senior Citizens Centre
See more information about the facilities at St Marys Senior Citizens Centre on the Halls & Community Centres page.
Community Organisations and Groups
Craft at Heart Seniors Group: 96736133
Meet for a cuppa and chat every Thursday, 10:30am to 12:30pm during the school term, at Arthur Neave Memorial Hall, Parkes Avenue, Werrington, 2747.
Morning tea is provided.
The University of the Third Age (U3A) Nepean-Blue Mountains Inc: 4722 3405
The U3A is an educational resource and organisation for seniors. They offer more than 90 courses on art, communication, computing, crafts, exercises for seniors, languages, history, literature, music, outdoor recreation and photography. To find out more, contact them on above number or visit
The Thornton Community Group: 0434 520 690
The Thornton Community Group is made up of residents who live in the Thornton Estate, Penrith. They run a monthly ‘Village Tea Room’ for people to come together and connect with each other and local services with a focus on well-being.
Penrith Community Men’s Shed: 0439 646 942
Penrith Community Men’s Shed provide a safe location where men of all ages can meet, do a project, learn a new skill or have a chat. To find our more call 0439 646 942
The Shed is open to all men and offers an informal space where men can come together to spend time engaged in manual crafts, such as woodworking, metal working, furniture restoration and more. Members are also involved in volunteering activities in the community. To get in touch, email
Nepean District Historical Society: 4735 4394
Nepean District Historical Society study Australian history, in particular the history of the Nepean District (Penrith) and surrounding areas. The society secure and preserve historic buildings, bridges, waterways, earthworks, flora and relics of historical interest in the area.
Probus Club of Penrith: 0418 661 223
Probus is all about fun and friendship! It allows you to enjoy the fellowship of likeminded retirees, develop new interests, stay active and access great deals on travel insurance and other exclusive deals. Contact Denise Yallop on 0418 661 223 or find out more here.
St Clair and District Men's Shed
St Clair and District Men's Shed provides a place for men of all cultures to share their skills, learn new skills, make new friends, swap yarns or just socialise over a cuppa. If you are interested in joining, get in touch at
St Marys and District Historical Society:02 9623 2307
St Marys and District Historical Society study the history of Nepean District (Penrith) and surrounding areas. For more information call Norma Thorburn on the number above.
Stroke Recovery Association: 1300 650 594
The Penrith Stroke Recovery Club meets once a month and members from the Club often share their personal goals and experiences with each other. Members have the opportunity to participate in activities and hear about presentations on topics of stroke as well as meet other people who have experienced a stroke.
Volunteer Programs and Opportunities
There are many ways to give back to your community as a volunteer in Penrith. Council itself works with volunteers in our Bushcare Programs, Children’s Services, Library Service, through various committees and to provide community transport. You can find more information about these programs at our Volunteer page.
There are also many community organisations that seek and work with volunteers. Learn more through our Community Volunteer page where you’ll find information about a range of volunteering opportunities across our City along with links and phone numbers.
Staying active and healthy
Explore your local area on foot
Penrith has many places where you can walk, cycle or be active. Whether you want to trim, tone or strengthen your body or just enjoy the scenic local environment along a creek or river there is something suitable for people of all ages, fitness levels and abilities. Find out more on our Walking, cycling & exercise trails page
Exercising at home
Exercise is vital to health and wellbeing and a key factor in helping prevent falls in older people, but it important to exercise safely, especially when you are at home and not under the supervision of a trained instructor.
NSW Health:
NSW Health has created a series of exercise videos you can do at home to stay active and help prevent falls. You can view them here.
The government’s Clinical Excellence Commission has also put together a falls-prevention fact sheet for older people and their families. You can view it here.
The Australian Physiotherapy Association:
You will find some great information on staying safe when exercising online on the Australian Physiotherapy Association website. Once you’ve read the tips, scroll down and start at level one to put them into practice. You can access the page here.
Arthritis Australia: 1800 011 041
Provides information about arthritis and other musculoskeletal conditions including self-management, community programs, seminars, support groups and resources. To find out more go to
Osteoporosis Australia: 1800 242 141
Provides information about osteoporosis, risk factors, prevention, and living with osteoporosis. To find out more go to
Immunisation for adults: 47342022
As we age our immunity against some diseases can wear off which means vaccination is just as important for adults as it is for children. Find out if you are entitled to free vaccinations. Talk to your doctor or call the immunisation team at the Penrith Public Health Unit on the number above.
Cancer Council Support Groups: 13 11 20
Call the Cancer Council to find a support group near you including telephone support groups and information and support regarding cancer and COVID-19. To find out more go to
Diabetes Australia NSW Branch: 1300 342 238
Provides programs, services and information to help everyone affected by diabetes. Consultant dieticians are available to answer questions. They provide advice regarding regular medications, blood glucose control and attending pathology clinics during the COVID-19 pandemic. To find out more go to
Strength for life program
Strength for Life (SFL) is an individualised strength and balance program designed by COTA NSW and supported by Council to help people over 50 stay strong, mobile and socially connected. The first step is a one-on-one consultation with an SFL facilitator. During the consultation you’ll be asked about any health concerns, find out whether you need medical clearance and receive a tailored exercise program. With this in place, you’re set to join a group class. Group classes are offered at PCYC Penrith and include a fun warm-up (including balance exercise), some strength work and a cool down. You can find out more here. To get in touch with PCYC call 4732 1755 or email
Mental health support
Like Mind: 8880 8111
If you have a mental health concern, or are worried about how you, a family member or friend is feeling and you want to talk to someone, then LikeMind can help,
Beyond Blue: 1300 22 4636
Beyond Blue offers support service and information on anxiety, depression, and suicide. Trained mental health professionals will listen, and provide information and advice. To find out more go to
Mental Health Access Line: 1800 011 511
Access to expert mental health advise, support and referrals for people dealing with mental health issues and their families and carers.
Housing support
Assistance with Care and Housing (ACH): 0411 546 801
ACH supports older people who are living in inappropriate housing, are homeless or at risk of being homeless to find more suitable housing. Penrith’s ACH program continues to operate and work with Penrith’s older homeless or at risk of homeless clients. While the office is currently closed due to COVID-19, you can contact them on the number above.
Wentworth Community Housing (WCH): 4777 8000
WCH provides affordable rental housing and other assistance to eligible people who are on low to moderate incomes. Call the service or email:
Mission Australia Housing: 1800 269 672
Mission Australia provides affordable housing to individuals or families on low to moderate incomes who are having difficulty securing housing in the private rental market. Call the service or email:
Anglicare: 1300 111 278
Anglicare Provides a range of social and affordable housing options for households on very low, low and moderate incomes.
Western Sydney Tenants’ Advice & Advocacy Service (WESTS): 8833 0933
WESTS provide free, confidential advice and advocacy to residential tenants, boarding house residents, people living in land lease communities and other renters. Call the service or email:
Link2Home: 1800 152 152
Link2Home provides information, conducts assessments and makes referrals to homelessness services across NSW and is part of the Going Home Staying Home reforms.
Aged care homes and retirement villages
Aged Care Homes: 1800 200 422
Aged care homes (residential aged care) provide a range of care options and accommodation for older people who are unable to continue living independently in their own homes. The government funds a range of aged care homes across Australia. For more information contact My Aged Care or go to
DPS Guide to Aged Care: 1300 186 688
This service can help you locate local retirement villages and provide information about costs, contracts and agreements as well as the village lifestyle. To find out more go to
Senior Housing Online:
This comprehensive online resource provides a list of retirement villages located in Sydney and across the country.
Your rights, crisis support and financial and legal help
Your rights
Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission: 1800 951 822
Whether you’re concerned about the quality of your care, how you’re treated by staff, the accuracy of invoices or choice of activities provided by your aged care provider, you have the right to make a complaint. Contact Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission to know more about your rights and complaints processes, or for more information go to
Seniors Rights Service: 1800 424 079
Provides free and confidential telephone advice, aged care advocacy, support and legal advice. They provide advocacy support for recipients of Commonwealth funded aged care services. They also provide legal advice on human rights , consumer rights, accommodation matters and other issues and advocacy. To find out more go to
Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN): 1800 700 600
Offers support to you and your family to understand and exercise your aged care rights. This service will connect you with the aged care advocacy organisation in your state. To find out more go to
Crisis support
The NSW Ageing and Disability Abuse Helpline: 1800 628 221
Call the NSW Ageing and Disability Abuse Helpline if you have concerns about an older person or an adult with disability being abused and mistreated by someone they know, in their home or in their community.
Domestic Violence line: 1800 656 463
This service provides 24/7 crisis counselling and referral service for women (including transgender women).
Financial and legal support
Seniors Card: 13 7788
A free discount card providing members with access to NSW Government transport concessions, travel and business discounts. To find out more go to
Energy and Water Ombudsman NSW: 1800 246 545
A free and independent dispute resolution service for all electricity and gas customers (and some water customers) in NSW. To find out more go to
Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman: 1800 062 058
A free dispute resolution service for people who have complaints about their telephone or internet service. To find out more go to
Legal Aid NSW: Penrith office 4732 3077 or Helpline 1300 888 529
Legal Aid NSW can provide information about a legal issue and put you in touch with other services that may be able to help.
Seniors Guide to Consumer Rights in NSW
A free publication on how to deal with door-to-door sales and telemarketing, unordered goods, unsolicited services, direct marketing, internet and television shopping and scams. Download and print this information or order a free copy at
Assistive technology
Assistive Technology Australia: 1300 452 679
Provide information and advice about assistive technology solutions to support independent living. To find out more go to
Mobility Scooters: 1300 885 886
Find out more about mobility scooters and how they can help people with mobility challenges to get to everyday places at