Community Recycling Centre
- Details
- Written by: Adam Gatt Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia
Due to a fire at Cleanaway’s St Marys waste facility, Penrith CRC is not currently accepting drop-off of paint, household and car batteries, smoke detectors, light globes, gas bottles, fire extinguishers, motor oil and other oils.
Penrith CRC is only accepting drop-off of e-waste and polystyrene at this time.
Households with problem waste should store items in clearly labelled containers in a cool dry place away from children and pets until services are back up and running.
Penrith City Council's Community Recycling Centre (CRC) opened on 20 July 2017. It provides the community with a free and convenient way to dispose of problem waste in an environmentally friendly way.
The CRC is located at:
Penrith Community Recycling Centre
Gate 3, 96 Dunheved Circuit, St Marys
Opening times
Monday-Friday: 8.30am-2pm
Saturday: 8am-12pm
Sunday: Closed
The CRC is also closed on public holidays.
What is problem waste?
Problem waste includes items such as paints, batteries, light bulbs, gas bottles and oils that you can’t dispose of in your household bins or in a bulky waste collection. To learn more about problem waste, visit Problem Waste
What items can be disposed of at the CRC?
Residents are able to dispose of the following waste items for free at the CRC:

Mobile phones

Oil based paint (not currently accepting)

Water based paint (not currently accepting)

Smoke detectors (not currently accepting)

Fluorescent globes and tubes (not currently accepting)

Electronic waste - computers and televisions

Gas bottles (not currently accepting)

Household batteries (not currently accepting)

Motor and other oils (not currently accepting)

Car batteries (not currently accepting)
CDs and DVDs

Fire extinguishers (not currently accepting)

Clean and plain white polystyrene
Before dropping off a device for recycling, it is recommended you take the right steps to protect your personal information. This includes performing a factory reset to wipe your information and data from the device.
Even when following the right steps, your information may be able to be recovered. If the information on your device is particularly sensitive, you should consider using a data destruction service or asking an IT professional to help you dispose of it securely.
For more information on how to manage your data before disposing of your device, visit
Please note:
- Our CRC will not accept coloured or dirty polystyrene and small polystyrene fragments like bean bag filling or packing peanuts. Please ensure to remove any dirt, dust, sticky tape, labels, cardboard or plastic before dropping off clean and plain white polystyrene to the CRC.
- Our CRC also accepts additional, household electronic items such as:
- computers and related products, including floppy discs, hard drives, keyboards, monitors, mice, networking equipment, notebook
- cable
- cameras, video camera
- CD drive
- clock radio
- electric blanket
- electrical power tool
- electronic games/toy
- fax machine
- grooming device
- discman, iPads, iPods, mp3 player
- juicers and mixer
- personal electrical device
- printers
- projector
- scanner
- stereo
- TVs and related products including DVD players and VCR players
- CDs and DVDs must be removed from their cases. Discs can only be accepted loose (cases are not accepted).
- Only household quantities of the above materials will be accepted. As a guide, a maximum container of 20 litres or 20 kilograms for each of the wasted listed above. Up to 100L of paint is accepted.
- General household rubbish or bulky household waste (such as furniture, mattresses and green waste) will not be accepted at the CRC.
- • For more information on how to dispose of specific items, visit
Storing and transporting your problem waste
Please handle and transport your materials carefully and safely. Protect your vehicle by placing items on a protective sheet or tray in the boot to capture any leakages or breakages.
Here are some helpful tips when transporting materials to the CRC:
Wherever possible keep all paints and motor oils in their original containers.
Tape terminals on batteries using clear tape
Liquid can leak during transport. Wrap containers holding paint or motor oil securely in newspaper, place in sturdy plastic bags and then in plastic buckets or trays.
Keep household problem waste away from passengers by placing them in the boot of your car.
The CRC facilitates the reprocessing and reuse of these materials and prevents them from entering landfill. By sorting your waste and taking it to your local CRC, you will:
- Help improve recycling rates;
- Save water, energy and other valuable natural resources
- Protect the environment.
This is a NSW EPA Waste Less, Recycle More initiative funded from the waste levy. Visit