Community Safety Plan & Partnership

Community Safety Plan & Partnership

Penrith Community Safety Plan 2023-2027

Penrith City Council’s Community Safety Plan 2023-2027 guides our approach to community safety over the next four years and outlines actions we will take in collaboration with community partners to create safe, welcoming and vibrant places where we all want to live, work and play.

This Plan is informed by research and evidence gathered through community and stakeholder consultation and data from the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Nepean Police Area Command.

See the  Penrith Community Safety Plan 2023-2027

Penrith Community Safety Partnership

Creating safe communities requires a broad range of approaches - from improving the built environment to working with vulnerable communities and providing opportunities for people to connect.

Council acknowledges that working together with community partners achieves better safety outcomes. Our community partners include local businesses, support services, community organisations, and other government agencies.

Council convenes the Penrith Community Safety Partnership, a committee of Council that brings representatives from various organisations together, including NSW Police, to identify and address community safety issues and to monitor the implementation of the Plan.

For more information, contact Council's Community Safety Coordinator at .